Experts’ Global – The Best Resource for GMAT Prep and MBA Admissions Consulting

Resource for GMAT Prep

Experts’ Global – The Best Resource for GMAT Prep and MBA Admissions Consulting

The domain of providing MBA admissions service and GMAT prep has its definite challenges because this industry is one of extreme responsibility as ithelps shape a student’s career, However, Experts’ Global is the one firm that has ablystreamlined these specificchallengesand developed a system, so specificand robust, thata student can avail of themost complete and comprehensive guidance when it comes to preparing for GMAT and applying for MBA.Experts’ Global wasfounded in 2008, and over the decade, thefirm’s repute has grown in leaps and bounds. Over theyears, thousands of students, from over 50 countries have benefitted fromhavingavailed of Experts’ Global’s services.Experts’ Global-The CompanyThe basic principle guiding Experts’ Global is the intention to deploy state-of-the-art technology to providethe necessarylearning. An EdTech firm, Experts’ Global was founded byMr.MayankSrivastava, in 2008. Since then, the firm hasattained recognition and repute, globally. For havingset the benchmark in providing quality GMAT prep online and MBAadmissions consulting, the firm has also becomeinternationally competitive.No doubt, the firm has already serviced1000s of students from all corners of the world.Theteam of passionate and highly qualified mentors at the firm takesimmense pride in their services they accord to thestudents:<iframe width=”1381″ height=”489″src=””frameborder=”0″allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>OnlineGMAT PreparationExperts’ Global’sGMATpreponlineprogram is the mostcomprehensive GMATtraining program.With 300+ videos onconcepts on GMAT and 4000+ GMAT practice questions, this package equips the student with the most efficient way toprepare for GMAT.A crucial factor is that Experts’ Global hasensured that the testsinthis online prep seriesare asidentical to the GMAT question types, including the scope of concepts theycover,theircomplexity and difficulty, style ofpresentation, etc., as possible. Even thescoring pattern, a knowledge that remains undisclosed by GMAC, has beenreplicated by the Experts’ Global test developer team.Thetesting screen isidentical tothe GMAT test screen with full-screenlayout and similar graphics and control. Thetests even have a timer that turns red when you spend too muchtime on a question. Thus, with theExperts’ Global online GMAT prep series, you are not only learning the GMATconcepts but also building enduranceto the real test-taking environment, a crucial factor indeveloping the test-takingstrategy.GMATMock Tests15 full-lengthGMAT mock testsare another aspect that sets aparttheExperts’ Global GMAT online prep program.Thehigher number of mock tests helps the students attain the necessary competence andconfidence beforetaking theexam.These mock tests, too, arestrikingly similar to the GMAT questions, asarethe practice questions in the series.That the scoring algorithm is also identical isconfirmed by the reports of congruency in GMAT mock testscoresandtheactual GMATscores of the students.Thesetestseries are alsostrengthened with a performance analysis software thatreads individual performance after each test or even a series of tests to recommend the points of improvement to thestudent.GMATClassroom ProgramBesides, you can opt for the GMAT classroom preparation program. These classes are held in the business center of apremium hotel in Noida and conducted by Mr. Mayank Srivastava, a 99thpercentile holder in GMAT. Mr. Srivastava’spassion for teaching has inspired these classes and the studentsattest to theenriching classroom environment.The