Eye-Opening Facts about Black Friday Madness

Black Friday shopping
SANTA MONICA, CA - NOV. 23: With Santa Monica Police / Los Angeles Times)

With Black Friday the concept of sales, sales, and sales come. Yeah, this year 23rd November is marked as Black Friday. And all the retailers plus buyers are in full mood to get out the most from the Black Friday sales 2018.

However, we have collected some of the freaky eye-opening facts regarding the granddaddy of the whole year’s shopping days. Even that has also now taken the status of a holiday in its own sense that is none other than Black Friday.

The year 2011, it was recorded that 226 million Americans bought merchandise worth of $52 billion all over the weekend of Thanksgiving. If we collect this entire amount, we can transform the lives of at least 104 million families.

During Black Friday Customers just get advantage from around 2 % savings

The combo of high tech and fast fashion is the core spending strategy all over the Black Friday. Apart from this, they are also the major sources of pollution and waste along with huge environmental and societal outcomes.

However, as per the data collected from the year 2015, it is revealed that only 2 percent savings are entertained by customers. Instead, the major profit is entertained by the business owners. Likewise, 2016 also showed a whopping sum of $655.8 billion in expenditures on Black Friday.

21% of customers revealed they’ve never missed Black Friday.

The madness of Black Friday is so much penetrated in the minds of shoppers. As per a study, it has been found out that around 21 percent of shoppers never ever missed Black Friday. The strategy to get in the line at 4.pm; even not work on Black Friday. Since all day and nights stores are presenting the same scene of jam-packed.

Is Black Friday really the largest shopping day of the year?

The answer is No. In fact, it has been found out that the prior Saturday of Christmas is actually the largest shopping day.

80% of clothes bought in the western world are of no use

Even though people are immensely spending on shopping throughout the black Friday. Also, with every passing year, the shoppers’ ratio is drastically increasing. However, from a study, it has been found out that the clothes customers usually buy on Black Friday are either of low quality or out-fashioned. But they at the end become part of the dustbin.

Violence in the course of Black Friday

Some people commit the act of violence in order to entertain themselves while annoying others. As this is also the mentality of some psychopaths that they feel happy by hurting others. Likewise, in Los Angeles, a woman sprayed pepper on the customers who came for Black Friday shopping.

It is better to avail the discounts via online buying in order to get saved from such violence.

The shopped products weigh an average of 60,000 times heavier than us

This is literally amazing plus funny. Buyers are so much excited about the Black Friday sales that they buy even 60,000 times more than their actual weight.

Anyways, I must say while doing the shopping on Back Friday. Re-think! Whether you actually need this product or not. In this way, you will contribute your part in saving the planet Earth and few of your money as well.