Games of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 Trailer: Get Ready for Cersei-Danny Fight

Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Finale Season 8 has started, and we have enjoyed its four episodes. The most epic episode was the third one when Arya killed Night king with her specially designed dagger. Games of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 Trailer made it clear that another big fight is coming.

Now after watching the human-dead fight, the next battle which we are anxiously waiting for is among Cersei Lannister and rest of the top characters of the movie.  The War between the Human and Night King Army was quite tense. Top warriors of Lannisters and Daenerys fought till their last breath.  Every moment of episode 3 was quite fascinating. The redhead woman is dead, and so it means that we won’t be able to see the magic in the upcoming episodes.

As far as episode 5 of Season 8 is concerned, its trailer shows that Cersei is waiting for big army fight while standing in the window of her temple. She has got allies not only Iron Bank of Braavos as she has made a great deal with them.

Euron Greyjoy is another ally of Cersei, he is all set to knock down Danny’s army, but his facial expression changes when he hears something and look into the sky.

Tyrion and Daenerys are at the Dragonstone. Tyrion looks a bit scary when he approaches Danny, but at the next scene, he sees her sitting at the Dragonstone.

At this point, Jon Snow and Daenerys have lost many of their army men while Cersei has got many people on her side. Therefore, it is hard to say who will win.

Tyrion Lannister is back to his home town where he has to fight against her sister by working as the right hand of the Queen Daenerys.

The real Games of Thrones is going to kickstart as everyone who is fighting in this Power war has some stake in the upper house. Daenerys wants to be the Queen of Iron Throne while Jon Snow is the rightful heir. Even when Jon Snow and Danny’s Dragon defeat Cersei and her allies; they have a  big fight among them where they need to decide who is going to sit on Iron Throne.

Daenerys has a dream of sitting on the Iron Throne from the very start, so it’s hard to say whether she will give up on her vision or love.

In Games of Thrones Season 8 episode 5, you will be able to enjoy a big throne fight once for all.  You will see bloodshed in the last war of the series at King’s Landing.