How Does a Personal Injury Lawsuit Work?

lawyer for catastrophic cases.

If you have gone through a horrible event due to someone else’s negligence, then filing a personal injury lawsuit could be perfect. Well, many people have no idea about how personal injury lawyers work during this process.

There are some essential steps that every attorney follows while fighting for their clients. Well, not every case is the same, so it depends on that a lot. Still, we are covering eight key steps in the following.

  1. Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal injuries could be complex most of the time. So, hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer is very essential, especially when you are injured. An attorney will not only understand your case but also will make the procedure easier.

From negotiating with insurance companies to filing an official lawsuit in the court room, your lawyer will be dedicated to everything.

  1. Start Investigation

The second step of filing a personal injury lawsuit is to start an investigation. Your lawyer will ask you everything about the event that caused your injury. Then, they will do all the necessary things that the case requires. Moreover, they will also collect various evidence including medical records, phone call records, testimonials of witnesses, and videos.

  1. Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

The time for filing a personal injury lawsuit is limited. So, you need to take action as soon as possible. In the meantime, you need to hire an experienced personal injury lawyer, so they can take quick actions to file a lawsuit. On the other hand, if you are trying to file a lawsuit by own, it could have to take a lot of time.

  1. Sending Demand Letter to Insurance Companies

Most personal injury cases start with sending demand letters to insurance companies involved with the event. It could be homeowner’s insurance, auto insurance, business insurance, or other types of insurances. After receiving the demand letter, the insurance company will review it. In some cases, they might deny the claim.

  1. Filling an Official Lawsuit

Filing an official lawsuit means you are notifying the court about your claim. Most personal injury lawsuits are related to insurance companies. However, it could be different based on the circumstances.

Moreover, a personal injury official lawsuit includes your legal claims against the defendant with relevant evidence. After filing the lawsuit, they will give you a limited time to serve all documents.

  1. Discovery Process

The discovery process could be the longest part of the lawsuit. The much complex cases can take months, even years. During this time, both your and the defendant’s legal team will spend time gathering relevant evidence.

It could be medical reports, police reports, insurance reports, and more information for supporting lost wages. Plus, both sides can request the motion of the case during the discovery process.

  1. Negotiation of Personal Injury Lawsuit

After the discovery process is done, both side has a better view about the knowledge. This time, if the insurance company knows that they are liable, they will start negotiating with your personal injury lawyer to avoid a much higher verdict from the court.

  1. Collecting Settlement Money or Judgement

The last stage could take time when both parties are agreeing to the settlement. The money will go to a special account and your lawyer will pay to the party who has the legal claim of the money. Alternatively, your lawyer can deduct the fee and write you the check.


These are the essential process of a personal injury lawsuit. However, it also depends on how complicated your case is how the insurance companies are interacting with your claims. Plus, the role of a personal injury attorney is also essential.