How to Be a Productive Person Every Day


It is a fact that on a daily basis, most people claim to lack the motivation to make crucial changes in their lives.

It wouldn’t be wrong to state that people are generally lazy and unmotivated – even helpless against their desires to let go of social media addiction – cringing at the thought of putting aside their phones and doing the things that need to be done.

Every now and then – something triggers us – a deadline or a motivational quote that we read on social media – whatever it is – it can potentially give us the adequate inspiration needed to perform the necessary actions to improve our lives – even if it is temporary and short-lived, such as cleaning a neglected kitchen.

Nonetheless – the thing about action is that it is not just the outcome of motivation – but also the cause of inspiration. The primary instigation that causes people to act varies from one person to another. Most people only act when they feel motivated to do so.

They also feel only motivated when they feel a certain percentage of emotional inspiration. This way, emotional inspiration motivates people to take the mandatory steps and perform constructive action.

The Key to Staying Motivated & Productive

The problem with emotional inspiration is that it seems to strike us randomly and is quite unpredictable. Often – one’s negative attitude towards a bad situation can hinder them from experiencing any sort of emotional inspiration towards transforming the situation in the first place.

With that said, if you have an attitude of massive guilt, shame, fear, or resentment towards your current situation – then the very thought of confronting this inner monster will probably inspire the very emotions that place you in the same position, to begin with.

So – the question is – how do you stop this feeling of dread that makes you feel lazy, unmotivated, and depressed?

The answer is that you will want to understand that you have the power to fix your situation by realizing that emotional inspiration, powerful motivation, and constructive action are not linear processes. On the contrary, it is an endless loop, meaning you can start wherever and whenever you want.

How to Find Your Inspiration & Stay Inspired

Inspiration instigates motivation, which then leads to action – and the loop continues, where the action leads to inspiration, which leads to motivation, which is followed by action. With that said, if you lack the inspiration to feel motivated enough to take action, then you need to do something that will instigate it.

Some actions require little to no inspiration to do whatsoever – and those are the very actions whose reactions one should harness to take further action.

Suppose you dream of becoming a writer – you will start by brainstorming ideas, selecting one idea, and looking up your target audience – your ideal readers, using a mind map to outline the plot, themes, and characters.

Then, the loop will continue until you dedicate your time every day to the task of writing one page after the other – until your manuscript is ready. Once it is ready, you will hire a professional editor and proofreader before you opt for self publishing your book.

Obviously, you could also opt for the traditional publication route, but it would take more time, which is why many newbie writers opt for self-publishing their books and getting them in front of their ideal readers faster.

You get the point – next time you are avoiding some huge thing that you want to do, such as changing your job, and that you have to do, such as writing a book – don’t make the mistake of sitting there and waiting for inspiration to hit.

Take the first step and do something about it. The first action that you will do for the “thing” will inspire you to take further actions until you have completed your milestone. This way, you will successfully harness subsequent reactions from your first action and get the much-needed motivation to take other actions.

The Potential Benefits of Taking Actions Every Day

If we were to describe the most important reason for you to take progressive actions every day – it comes down to your mental and emotional state. Actions will make you happier as you will transform your passive state into an active state, which will further give you a sense of purpose, which is essential for living a better-quality life.

You will feel more fulfilled, and every night before going to bed, you will be happy with yourself and the choices that you made for the day.

Subsequently, you will feel more successful. Success isn’t bound to your finances alone – there are several versions of success – including making your life choices based on what you want to do, having the ability to say “no,” traveling the world, and so on.