How to Know If You’re Not Getting Proper Nutrition

Proper Nutrition

Many people don’t know they are going through nutrition deficiency. They tend to go on with their daily lives without knowing they are due for a health problem. There are things you can do to know if you are getting enough nutrition from your diet. One of these is to listen to your body. 

Your body will give you tell-tale signs that it isn’t getting the proper nutrients it needs to thrive and be healthy. Once it doesn’t get the nutrients it needs, you will start feeling sick and lethargic. Thus, start listening to your body and watch out for these signs below:

Extreme Hair Fall

Although everyone sheds roughly 100 hair strands daily, noticing clumps of hair on your pillow or even in your bathroom drain all of a sudden should be brought up with your physician. It can be a symptom of more severe problems, like reduced iron levels, which can decrease your energy or cause thyroid issues.

Your doctor will request a test. This test is usually a blood test to check your iron levels. Low iron levels can also cause frequent headaches, a constant feeling of being chilly, and dizziness. Your muscles may become feeble, your joints may hurt, and your skin may become pale and dry if you suffer from a thyroid problem.

If you are noticing an increasing amount of hair fall, you should consider consuming iron-rich food such as:

  • Cashew nuts
  • Poultry products
  • Lean beef
  • Beans
  • Spinach

These foods will help increase your iron levels. You can also include iron supplements to ensure you get your body’s correct amount of iron. 

Aside from a lack of iron, other deficiencies, such as Vitamin D, copper, Vitamin B, and zinc deficiencies, could also contribute to severe hair loss. 

Constant Fatigue

You slept 8 hours every day, but you still woke up feeling tired. Or you have rested enough, but still, you feel over fatigued. Being overly tired clearly indicates that you lack nutrients in your body, specifically vitamin D. 

Low iron levels can also cause fatigue. If not adequately addressed, low iron levels in the body could result in anemia which could be fatal. 

If you’re constantly tired, you should consider increasing your iron and vitamin D intake. Here are some food suggestions that will help you increase your levels of Vitamin D:

  • Fortified food products like milk and orange juice. 
  • Salmon
  • Tuna

Although you can consume this food to increase your Vitamin D, it is still advised to go out in the sun and bathe some Vitamin D. It’s an effective source of Vitamin D, plus it’s free. 

Sudden Weight Loss

Fast and unplanned weight loss can cause nutritional deficits to appear within days or weeks. Some deficits may affect an individual’s appetite, level of energy, and immunity to infection, which could further delay their recovery.

Macronutrients and micronutrients are both necessary for the body to heal and regenerate. In its absence, your body will start to catabolize its own reserves to provide fuel for an emergency.

People with this issue should consider getting a medical evaluation, ideally with advice from a qualified dietitian or nutritional therapist.

If you are experiencing sudden weight loss, the primary need for your body will be energy. Therefore, you should increase your protein intake. Meanwhile, if there is a significant loss of muscles, you should increase your consumption of other vital nutrients, such as Vitamin B. 

Slow Healing of Wounds

Are you noticing your wounds are healing slowly? Even the most minor cuts could last for several days. It could be another indication that you indeed lack nutrients in your body. Should you be concerned? Yes, of course. 

A slow-healing wound results from your system’s deficiency of zinc, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C, which aids in fighting infections, mending tissue damage, and maintaining healthy skin.

Vitamin C, in particular, acts like glue on wounds. It pulls the cells together to make the wounds heal. In addition, vitamin C has various benefits, like acting as an antioxidant to prevent cellular damage and having anti-inflammatory properties.

Remember that most skin wounds should heal within two to three weeks, though more profound and more severe injuries could take longer. So, if you are noticing your wounds are healing slowly, you might want to consider boosting your Vitamin and mineral intake, specifically zinc and vitamins a and c. 

If you’re taking other medications, make sure to contact your doctor first. However, if you’re worried about the cost, it may be best to consider using discount coupons from sites like

Impaired Cognitive Functions

Lack of nutrients can affect how well your brain works, making it more challenging to focus and recall things. This condition could be an indication of several vitamin deficiencies. However, the most significant of these deficiencies are Vitamin B12, and Vitamin D. Brain tissue expresses the vitamin D receptor, which is crucial for optimal brain growth and function. 

In light of this, cognitive function may be hampered by vitamin D deficiency. With an estimated one billion individuals having deficient levels of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, vitamin D insufficiency is a significant issue worldwide. 

In Conclusion

You can improve your health and physical and mental performance by getting the right amount of nutrients your body needs. There is no need for a specialized diet. You need to listen to your body, ensure that you eat a balanced diet that contains all the nutrients you need, and drink the necessary supplements.