How to lower triglycerides

how to lower triglycerides

If you have been paying attention to pulse and cholesterol levels, then you may need to screen for something different: triglycerides.

Increased levels of triglycerides in the blood increase how to lower triglycerides the risk of coronary heart disease. However, decisions to improve overall health through similar lifestyles can also help reduce triglycerides.

What is triglyceride?

Triglycerides are a type of fat (lipid) found in the blood.

The moment you eat, your body will convert to any calories that do not have to be converted to triglycerides immediately. Triglycerides are stored in your fat cells. After that, the hormone releases triglycerides to maintain vitality between supper.

If you eat more calories than you eat, especially from high starch nutrition, your triglycerides (hypertriglyceridemia) may be high.

What is considered ordinary?

A direct blood test can find out if your triglycerides are in the stable range:

Normal-less than 150 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dL), or less than 1.7 millimoles per liter (mmol / L)

Marginal height-150 to 199 mg / dL (1.8 to 2.2 mmol / L)

High -200 to 499 mg / dL (2.3 to 5.6 mmol)

Very high -500 mg / dL or higher (5.7 mmol / L or higher)

Your primary care doctor will check whether high triglycerides are part of the cholesterol test in most cases, in some cases called lipid plates or lipid status. You need to draw blood as soon as possible to make an accurate triglyceride estimate.

What is the difference between triglycerides and cholesterol?

Triglycerides and cholesterol are various lipids flowing in the blood:

Triglycerides can store unused calories and give your body vitality.Cholesterol is used to make cells and certain hormones.

What is the reason for the high triglyceride content?

High triglycerides may increase the solidification of the supply route or the thickening of the shunt (arteriosclerosis), thereby increasing the risk of stroke, respiratory failure and coronary heart disease. Very high triglycerides can also cause how to lower triglycerides strong irritation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).

High triglycerides are usually a symptom of various diseases that will increase the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke, including obesity and metabolic disorders-a pile of diseases will combine a lot of fat in the abdomen, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, high Abnormal blood sugar and cholesterol.

High triglycerides can also indicate:

Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes

Metabolic disorders-diseases in which hypertension, obesity and hyperglycemia occur at the same time increase your risk of coronary heart disease

Low thyroid hormone levels (hypothyroidism)

Some uncommon genetic conditions can affect the way your body changes from fat to vitality

High triglycerides are sometimes a reaction to taking certain medicines, for example,

  • Diuretics
  • Estrogen and progesterone
  • Retinoid A
  • Steroid
  • Beta blocker
  • Several immunosuppressive agents
  • Some AIDS prescriptions

What is the best way to reduce triglycerides?

The right lifestyle decision is crucial:

Exercise regularly. In any case, please concentrate on 30 minutes of physical exercise for most of the week or all day. Normal exercise can lower triglycerides and increase “big” cholesterol. Try to incorporate more and more physical exercise into your daily work how to lower triglycerides, such as climbing up steps at work or taking a walk while resting.

Keep a strategic distance from sugar and refined starch. Simple starches (such as sugar) and nutritious foods made with white flour or fructose can produce triglycerides.

Stay in shape. When you may gently guide the chance of hypertriglyceridemia, focus on reducing calories. Excess calories are converted to triglycerides and stored in the form of fat. Reducing calories will reduce triglycerides.

Choose more beneficial fats. Exchange the immersed fats found for more beneficial fats found in plants, such as olive oil and rapeseed oil. Try using fish rich in omega-3 unsaturated fats instead of red meat, such as mackerel or salmon. Keep a strategic distance from trans fats or nutrients containing hydrogenated oils or fats.

Breakpoint how much alcohol you drank. The calories and sugar in wine are very high, and the effect on triglycerides is particularly strong. If you have severe hypertriglyceridemia, please do not drink any alcohol.

Shouldn’t I say anything about drugs?

If a reasonable lifestyle change is not enough to control the chance of high triglycerides, your primary care doctor may recommend:

Statins. If your cholesterol level is low or your veins are clogged or have diabetes in the past, these cholesterol-lowering drugs are recommended. Statins include atorvastatin calcium (lipitor) and rosuvastatin calcium (Crestor).

Fibrates. Fibrates, such as fenofibrate (TriCor, Fenoglide, etc.) and gemfibrozil (Lopid), can reduce triglyceride levels. If you have severe kidney or liver disease, you will not use fibrates.

fish oil. Fish oil can also be called omega-3 unsaturated fat and can help lower triglycerides. Solution fish oil devices (such as Lovaza) contain more dynamic unsaturated fats than many over-the-counter medicine enhancers. Large amounts of fish oil can cause thickening of the blood, so please talk to your primary care doctor before making any enhancements.

niacin. Niacin, repeatedly known as a nicotine corrosive, can lower triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol-“terrible” cholesterol. Before starting non-nicotinic acid treatment, talk to your primary care doctor because it can be used in conjunction with other drugs and cause obvious reactions.

On the off chance that your primary care physician endorses prescription to bring down your triglycerides, accept the medicine as recommended. Furthermore, recall the criticalness of the solid way of life transforms you’ve made. Meds can help — however way of life matters, as well.

The meaning of triglyceride levels

If an individual’s triglyceride levels are too high, then they are at higher risk of developing specific diseases and sporadic disorders.

As a survey in Diabetes and Endocrinology in The Lancet showed, high triglyceride levels play a role in cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery blood supply disease and atherosclerosis.

High triglyceride levels may have an impact because they can cause plaque development in the supply path. Dental plaque is a mixture of cholesterol, triglyceride fat, calcium, cellular waste, and fibrin, which is the substance used by the body to coagulate.

The development of plaque hinders the normal course of blood in the blood supply pathway, thereby increasing the risk of heart disease. The plaque may also be cut to coagulate, causing a stroke or coronary artery attack.

Triglycerides and cholesterol levels are the two most important components of screening a strong heart.

If the triglyceride level is too high, there is also a risk of damage to the pancreas.

Reasonable triglyceride levels

According to AHA:

The dangerous level is 150-199 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dl)

High triglyceride levels are 200–499 mg / dl.

The significance level starts at 500 mg / dl.

Although everything believes that AHA’s triglyceride levels are as high as 150 mg / dl within the normal range, they recommend maintaining levels below 100 mg / dl to achieve ideal health.

Take away

For individuals, it is possible to reduce triglyceride levels by observing their diet and receiving a nutritious daily diet.Eating many organic products, vegetables, whole grains, vegetables, nuts and seeds can increase the intake of supplements while reducing calories.

Diets that are good for the heart and blood will also reduce sodium, refined grains, including sugar and strong fat.Individuals should work legally with specialist doctors or nutritionists to gradually improve their eating habits and ensure that any medications they take will not cause entanglement.

Picking foods that lower triglycerides

A diet plan to reduce triglycerides has nothing to do with minimizing the number of calories ingested. That may mean eating less and practicing more. When you consume more calories than you need, your body will convert those calories into triglycerides, and these fats will be stored in your fat cells.

Here are some tips to help you ingest calories and reduce triglycerides:

Reduce soaked fat and trans fat. These are fats commonly found in bio-foods, rapid nutrition, industrially prepared products, and other bundled nutrition. Use reasonable mono- and polyunsaturated fats. These can be found in olive oil or canola oil for cooking.

The majority of calories are obtained from organic products, vegetables, and skimmed or low-fat dairy products.

Keep a strategic distance from containing and refining sugar.

Eat fish as a protein source more than once a week. Dinwoodey said: “Cold water fish oils (such as those in salmon) are rich in omega-3 unsaturated fats and help reduce triglycerides.” Make sure that the diet contains a lot of fiber. The whole grain includes fiber, which can help you avoid the reasons for eating grain.

Cut cholesterol in all diets to 200 mg daily.

Cardiac solid diets that reduce triglycerides include reducing sugar, reducing fat, and limiting alcohol. In any case, if you have a high triglyceride or high triglyceride content, a mixture of low HDL (high) cholesterol or high LDL (horrible) cholesterol, you may need to add a prescription to your diet to reduce triglycerides Acid ester. Even if your eating habits change, your primary care doctor can help you decide whether to take the medicine.

Drink alcohol sparingly. Dinwoodey warned: “The wine is full of calories, and these calories are especially bad for high triglycerides.”

Is there a unique diet plan to reduce triglyceride levels?

An example of a general diet to reduce triglycerides is the Mediterranean diet plan. This diet is characterized by low blood sugar load, high levels of reasonable fats (such as olive oil and fish oil) and low intake of processed meat, immersed fat and trans fat. The content of all starches in this dietary example is very low. The sugar load of consumed sugar is usually low-that is, they are largely natural.

In order to reduce triglycerides, you should stay away from some nutrients. The reduction of biofat (explicitly immersed in fat) will directly reduce triglycerides and LDL. Trans fats characterized by hydrogenated fats and oils on food brands should also be kept away. The reduction in refined starch (specifically including sugar, bread, and other nutritious foods made from flour and sugar) can also help reduce triglycerides.

These basic sugars have a high monosaccharide and disaccharide content, thereby increasing the triglyceride content. The sugar content in food is extremely low (less than 35 grams per day), which can effectively reduce triglycerides. Fructose can also increase triglycerides. Keep away from high-fructose corn syrup, and swallow the whole product of organic products, not juice. When an individual also suffers from insulin blockage, reducing sugar is particularly important. The sugar content should be close to 5% of the daily diet.

Different nutrients can be added to the diet plan to reduce triglycerides. Cold water fish rich in omega-3 unsaturated fats helps reduce triglycerides. Omega-3 rich fish include salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring, fish and halibut. Various nutrients that help reduce triglyceride content contain fiber-rich nutrients such as oatmeal, flax dinner, and beans. Olive oil, especially when filled with biological fats such as spreads or fats, is another food that helps reduce triglycerides.

How quickly can triglycerides be lowered?

Four grams of triglycerides per day is reduced by 25% to 30%. Those with the highest triglyceride content benefit the most. It is worth noting that non-ocean omega 3 fatty acids do not seem to lower triglycerides in the same way.

What is the main cause of high triglycerides?

The most common causes of high triglycerides are obesity and poorly controlled diabetes. If you are overweight and inactive, your triglyceride content may be higher, especially if you eat a lot of carbohydrates or sugary foods or drink a lot of alcohol.

Do Eggs raise your triglycerides?

Saturated fats and trans fats: 5 Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and are found in fried foods, red meat, chicken skin, egg yolks, high-fat dairy products, butter, lard, shortening, margarine, and fast food. … high-calorie foods: too many calories will increase the triglyceride content.