How To Set Up a VPN-Technical Some Guides For The User

how to setup a vpn

What is a VPN?

VPN means Virtual Private Network that protects one’s browsing activity and identity from government agencies, hackers, business agencies, and others. VPNs allow hiding while surfing the web. In another sense, VPNs are a series of virtual connections routed over the internet that encrypts data intending to travel back and forth between client devices and the internet resources used, for example, web servers. how to setup a vpn or to set up a VPN is somewhat a complex issue, we can discuss it later

VPN work Mechanism and how to setup a vpn

VPN allows data for transmission from consumer devices to your VPN network point. Then VPN point encrypts information sending it through the internet. The other point in your VPN network decrypts data and sends it to the appropriate internet source, such as an email server, web server, or company intranet. The internet source then reverses data back to a point in your VPN network, and there it gets encrypted. 

Thus encrypted data is sent through the internet to the other point in your VPN network, decrypting the data and sending it reversely to your client machine. Thus how to set up a VPN happens finally.

how to setup a vpn-In Brief

How to set up a VPN through 6 steps-

1: Line up key VPN components

To start, a VPN client is required, and also a VPN server with a VPN router. The downloading client lets you connect to servers, so employees everywhere can access your network of business. Like laptops and smartphones, the client may use on devices; even workers use public networks (Wi-Fi).

To make it secure and encrypt all network traffic, you’ll also require a VPN-enabled router through many routers made of built-in VPN clients.

 2: Prepare devices or Hardware

VPN clients can conflict with other clients on occasion or may fail to work. Hence it’s a good idea to prepare one’s network before setting up a VPN, and you can ignore problems.

Firstly, uninstall the present client software, which you don’t require. Theoretically, it is wise for VPN clients to be able to work together. But clients making competition may be a source of many problems, and hence it’s good to make them removed.

Here this is also a time to consider the configuration of the network. Suppose anyone thinks to install a VPN for workers who’ll access online resources in several ways—for example, wired connections, 4G modems, Wi-Fi, and so on. In that case, one may require to invest time in the configuration of the VPN client. In this case, simple networks by unplugging with unused devices may help.

3: Download and Install VPN clients

A most straightforward way to have your VPN up and running is installing VPN clients from its provider. Moreover, they could not offer software for all and every platform you do need, such as iOS and Android, Windows. But even if they do not, it’s better to install what they are offering first and then be confirmed for the VPN account operations properly.

Search for the “downloads” page on the VPN provider’s web page. You should also download apps for mobile phones that your workers use because you will not expect to protect connections from many devices.

If the primary client you installed works right off the bat, you may consult with the VPN service provider about the client for other platforms, and if you can’t log in, you can skip to the VPN provider who supports it.

4: Search for a Setup Tutorial

For many reasons, if your VPN service provider does not offer software for the devices you use, check the provider’s website for instructions for manual setup function. Accordingly, you’ll see the documentation issues you do need. Unless you don’t have it, find other providers’ setup manual which uses the same device?

 5: Log In to VPN

After installation of the client apps, now enter information for login. Generally, Username with Password will require signing up with the provider, though many companies may ask you to make a different login for the VPN client. Once after logging in, the VPN app usually connects to the server nearest to your present area or location.

6: Choosing VPN Protocols

VPN protocols think about how data are routering between your device and the server. Some protocols improve speed and while others enhance the privacy of data and security issues.

Different types of VPN

For example-


VPN of IPSec is genuinely a set of many different technologies and protocols. Here, Packet’s encapsulation is through AES-GCM, AES-CBC, 3DES-CBC, and the ESP protocol or HMAC-SHA1/SHA2 itself can use for encrypting.

Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)

 PPTP since the middle of 1990s, and till date its being frequently used. PPTP does not do encryption, rather tunnels data packets and uses the GRE protocol for encapsulating. If you use a VPN service that uses PPTP, you must keep in mind the protocol’s security.

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocols

 L2TP is for tunneling with IPSec for advanced security.

Secure Shell (SSH

SSH is to deal with both encryption and tunneling in a VPN network.

7: Troubleshooting

If the VPN provider’s client does not start working right, try the below steps:

  • Power off and start the client and try restarting the device.
  • If you have another VPN software and running, make sure you are disconnected and close down.

VPN clients need the right software drivers for working correctly. In many cases, you may click on “Repair” on Setting for loading drivers again. Make a check of the settings page to look for the availability of the feature.

If having a problem logging in, recheck login details. Many VPN clients create their logins, and some allow you to choose your own.

Make sure you’re using the right login credentials and, in case necessary, read any emails or quick start guides that you may have from the provider.

You may also try switching servers. Choose by connecting to a different server that is close to your present location.

Option-2: Try to connect with different protocols so that the VPN client allows you to change them. Such as, you can have OpenVPN by TCP and then switch to L2TP and PPTP accordingly.

If you’re still in problems, then maybe the other software programs are the culprit. In this case, you can disable software temporarily that is causing the problem but be sure to turn it back on after you get connected so that you don’t need to leave critical business systems vulnerable to attacks.

 8: Fine-tuning the Connection

Once you know the basics, its hope for improvement, but make sure about the settings you have applied to the VPN system for your business.

For instance, make sure for the VPN to run as soon as people start using their devices. It is an excellent idea to protect a VPN all the time. Such as if a significant percentage of people do their work outside of the office. But if you think you only need to use the VPN for some time, you can launch it only when required by freeing up network sources for another use.

Another option for fine-tuning is choosing usual servers used as “favorites.” or “defaults” This can save time since you and other employees won’t have to search for preferred servers every time you connect.

How to setup a vpn in Different Operating System


How to set up a VPN for Windows 10? Firstly make a VPN profile to fill out with details from a particular VPN service. Then-

  • Click the Windows button > Settings > Then Network and Internet > next VPN ˃ Click the Add button and have a VPN connection.
  • On the page, go for selecting Windows (built-in) for the VPN provider > Give your VPN a name beneath the Connection name > Enter the Server Name or address, the VPN Type, and the type of Sign-in info.
  • Now add a User name with a password for advanced security (optional but recommended). There is an option to choose the computer to remember Sign-in info.
  • Then Click Save
  • For connecting to VPN, go back to Settings > Network and Internet > VPN and Click your VPN name.
  • Anybody can select Advanced Options for editing the connection properties, precise sign-in info, or set up a proxy VPN 
  • Then Select Connect & Enter a Password if you have one.


How to set up a VPN in Chrome OS? For instance, head into the Chrome Web Store for an extension for VPN of choice. Go to Play store (if Chrome book set up for it) and thus have a VPN app, otherwise download from a VPN’s site of choice. In both ways, the VPN app should prompt you with instructions on how to set up a VPN.

Manually also, you can do. Chrome owns native support for L2TP or IPsec and Open VPN. For installing a VPN to works with one of these formats-

  • Click on time in the lower and right corner of your PC/Laptop screen, and then click Settings.
  • Next after Click the Add connection > Open VPN / L2TP
  • Add all necessary information, including username and password, server Hostname, provider type, pre-shared key, Service name. You can then save your password and identity if you feel necessary. Then click on the Connect.

Some VPNs demand a certificate, which is needed to import primarily. If so, then-

  • Head to Chrome://Settings/Certificates
  • Go to the Authorities tab and find the correct certificate in the list and then click Import.
  • Follow the above instructions mentioned to set up the VPN.


Some apps can help through the setup process automatically, but you can also do it manually. How to set up a VPN in MAC OS is as follows-

  • Firstly to start > System Preferences >Network.
  • From here > Click the Plus Symbol on the bottom and left and then use the Interface drop-down menu to choose VPN. 
  • Click the Create button > Fill out the server address>remote ID and local ID in the related fields > Click Authentication Settings.
  • Enter the Username and Password for the targeted VPN, set up through your VPN app.
  • Click OK and then on Connect.

how to setup a vpn IN ANDROID

Likewise, iOS, a VPN setting on Android, is not too difficult. However, the manual helps you if you do not want an app automatically configure. 

  • Settings > Network and Internet > Advanced > VPN 

If you don’t look Network & Internet in the Settings menu (May happen depending on your Android), then search Settings for VPN and then Press Add.

  • If you set this up on a new phone set, or if you haven’t yet set a password or lock screen, Google will direct you to arrange for your phone, and you are to do that.
  • Now make your VPN profile and Add VPN name, Server address, type, and click on save to have it Saved.
  • You’ll back to the VPN screen, where you now should see the name of your VPN—therefore, tap it, and put in name and password. You can save your account information also, and you can make the VPN always on. Click on Connect.
  • Enter the VPN name, type, server address, username, and password.
  • Then, save, and that’s it.

Conclusion of setup a vpn

Finally, we got some information about how to setup a vpn on different devices successfully. We also got introduced to VPNs, and it’s everything in brief. Let’s follow it accordingly.