Important Home Maintenance to Consider Don’t Forget These Valuable Parts of Your Home that Can Cost You If They’re Not Maintained


When we think of home maintenance, we often think of the simpler tasks we can handle ourselves, such as a clogged drain, lawn care, or regular cleaning. This is probably due to unconscious motivations – we don’t really want to think about some of those more expensive parts of our home that need to be maintained, such as HVAC, your home’s foundation, and the roof.

However, there’s a more positive way to think about these more daunting areas of your house. Anything you can do to repair and maintain these aspects of your home is going to increase your home’s value in the long run. How? There are two reasons. First, these are the parts of the home that can really worry a potential homebuyer if something’s defective. No one in the market to buy a home wants to be saddled with costly repairs before they even have a chance to move in. Second, the critical parts of the home are essential to the overall health, comfort, and strength of your home. A compromised foundation, for instance, is a huge safety risk. 

Why You Should Keep Foundation Maintenance on Your To-Do List

Working with a foundation repair company to ensure your foundation is in good shape is a smart investment in your home. If you’ve ever seen any of the following signs that foundation repair might be necessary, it’s time to contact an experienced company to take a look.

These signs include:

  • Water in the basement.
  • Cracks in the concrete walls.
  • Air drafts.
  • A sloping floor.
  • Walls that bow, lean, bulge, or tilt.
  • Excess humidity in your basement.
  • Water that comes up from the floor.
  • Standing water around the exterior of your home.
  • Cracks around door frames on any floor of the home.
  • Windows and doors that stick.
  • Crown molding that is separating from the ceiling.

Your foundation is literally the base upon which the rest of your house stands strong, so when any of the signs listed above are found in your basement or around your home, you run the risk of eventual foundation failure. Not only is it expensive to fix, but it can also disrupt the integrity of your home, threatening your safety and your investment. Fortunately, the right company can address foundation issues promptly and effectively, offering high-quality solutions that can set you on the right path.

Why You Should Keep HVAC Maintenance on Your To-Do List

Your HVAC system, duct work, and vents are just as essential as your foundation and should be maintained regularly so that you can maximize your home’s comfort and get significant life out of this costly and beneficial appliance. An HVAC system can operate effectively for at least two decades when it is properly maintained – saving you money on having to get a new system installed or constant repairs that can be expensive and a nuisance.

Fortunately, when you hire an HVAC company for regular maintenance (many of these companies have service agreements to come out twice a year before the hottest and coldest months) you can keep your HVAC system in good health. You want to treat this part of your home well because of the associated expenses, and – much like your foundation – your system can end up being a valuable investment, as homeowners will also want to know how this system is functioning. The home inspector that a potential homebuyer has hired to test the viability and true value of a home will most certainly do a thorough inspection of the heating and air system.

Keep Up on the Important Parts of Your Home – and Reap the Rewards

The old expression, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of curl,” is never truer than when it applies to maintaining the most valuable parts of your home. Imagine not having to worry about your roof, foundation, electrical system, or HVAC system. It will feel good to know that if there’s an issue, it can easily be taken care of because it isn’t a long-term problem you’ve been regrettably ignoring.

That’s one of the best things about home maintenance: when you’re maintaining your home, you know that nothing is festering over a long period of time. There likely won’t be any surprises, and you can rest assured that your home is as valuable as you can make it. 

Additionally, you may learn something about home repair along the way, which you can apply to other areas of your home that are within your wheelhouse to maintain. Soon, you’ll be able to take care of many parts of your home, boosting your confidence and adding even more value. Finally, when it’s time to sell, you’ll be proud of everything you’ve done for your home, your safety, and your finances.