Labor Day in the united states of America

Labor Day in USA

Labor Day – A legal holiday:

Labor Day is one of the legal holiday that is celebrated in all part of United States, The Canal Zone, Puerto Rico and on the islands of Virgin Islands on the first Monday of September. Other than this, it is also celebrated in Canada and in some parts of the European countries.

But in the Asian and some parts of the European countries, the Labor Day is mostly celebrated on the first day of May. It is a holiday that is for the labor unions and workers to celebrate their dignity in their work.

What is the meaning of Labor Day?

Labor Day is a combination of two things for all people. As it is a holiday, so people celebrate it by going on a holiday trip. Second, it is a good way to say bye to the summer season. But in general, it is a day for paying tribute to the workers and the labor unions. The Labor Day is for the strength and prosperity of the country. Therefore, you have to celebrate it well and according to the traditions of you country.

The start of Labor Day:

The Peter J. McGuire who was the general secretary of brotherhood of Joiners and Carpenters and also was the founder of AFL (American Federation of Labor) was the first man who suggested this day for the workers and labor unions.

Read More:  History Of Labor Day

But there are some sources saying that Matthew Maguire was the first who suggested holiday on this day. He was the secretary in New York for the Central Labor Union. Regarding to the name, first Monday is the day of Labor Day in America and 1st May is the Labor Day in Asian and many other parts of the country.