One in five women today in our country is having their first child after the age of 35. In 1975, 5% of women over the age of 30 became pregnant. Today the percentage is 25%. Pregnancies for women aged 35-39 have increased by 100% since 1975. Pregnancies for women aged 40-44 have doubled today since 1980. At the other end of the spectrum are the last five years in the US, which counts 4 million births a year, 4,000 births a year for women aged 45-49, and 250 births for women aged 50-54. Have a look to know about for a mother at the age of 40.

Motherhood just before and after 40 is a phenomenon of the last 30 years that is increasing. This has been led by major changes in the position and role of women in society. Gender identity has been disconnected from the roles of the wife. Women study, make careers, do a lot of things that delay the start of a family. Add to this the difficulty of finding a husband in our time and we have 40-year-old mothers. The good news is that most have good pregnancies and healthy babies and that they do not differ psychologically, they do not have psychopathological problems. However, studies show that women over the age of 35, and especially those over the age of 40, may face some additional risks, of which they should be aware. There is no reason women over 35 or 40 should not or could not have children. We are simply pointing out the higher risks in order to raise awareness in this matter. We do advice not taking any risks with your health, if you wish to test your luck you may want to check out Free Bets instead.

Half of the women over 40 have fertility problems

Women have managed with their education and dynamism to make their presence strong in the public and private sector of work, in the arts and letters, in the political and social life of the country. But this recognition creates a delay in the organization of their family and, consequently, in the birth of their children. One in five women today are having their first child after the age of 35. The good news is that most have good pregnancies and healthy babies. However, studies show that women over the age of 35, and especially over the age of 40, may face some additional risks, of which they should be aware.


These women usually show some decrease in fertility, due to mild disorders of ovulation and various diseases, mainly those of endometriosis and chronic inflammation of the cervix and fallopian tubes. Women over 35 should try for 6 months to conceive. Once 6 months have passed without success in this regard it is advised to consult her gynaecologist. 1 out of 3 women over 35 have fertility-related problems and half of the women over 40.

What factors contribute to the difficulty of conception?

Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, thyroid disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and other metabolic diseases. The pleasant thing is that the above situations can be dealt with successfully. Because of the various treatments available to help with fertility, women over the age of 35 are more likely to conceive twins or triplets.

Chromosomal abnormalities

It is known that women over 35 years of age have an increased risk of giving birth to children with chromosomal abnormalities, which also depend on the age of the husband. These disorders are multiple, from Down syndrome to foetal malformation.

It is now known that:

* At the age of 25, a woman has a chance at 1,250 to give birth to a problem child.

* At 30 one in 1,000 chances

* At 35 one in 400 chances

* At 40 one in 100 chances

* At 45 one in 30

* At 49 one in 10 “.

Therefore, based on medical data, he adds, women over the age of 35 should control the foetus in two ways:

«1. Trophoblast examination between 12th and 13th week. In this examination, we take a biopsy from the beginning placenta of the foetus with the help of an ultrasound.

  1. Amniocentesis between 16th and 18th week. Again with the help of ultrasound, we receive amniotic fluid, which we send for examination.

Finally, we can use the extended test, with which we check for 12 additional diseases, which are due to frequent genetic syndromes. It is known that some women, due to the fear of possible miscarriage by the above two methods, but also for personal or religious reasons, refuse blood and ultrasound tests between the 12th and 13th week, which have 95% fidelity.

The risk of miscarriage in the first three months increases with age.

Women over the age of 35 may experience more complications than younger women, such as gestational diabetes, problems with low placenta (precursor plaques), and premature birth (before the 37th week of pregnancy). They can also give birth to foetuses of lower weight and more sensitive, while hypertension regularly appears, which causes fear of eclampsia, preeclampsia “.

Can the above situations be avoided?

The majority of all the above cases can be avoided with good nutrition, avoidance of smoking, taking vitamins, consumption of always well-cooked meat, and avoidance of all kinds of canned food. Of course, these women must be under constant medical examination and communication with their doctor. Lastly, they should know that at the birth of their baby, the chances of a caesarean section are very high.

What does an IVF pregnancy mean in old age?

Greater risks for mother and child. Already IVF pregnancy at any age is treated as a high-risk pregnancy. If the mother is now over 40, she needs even more special care and attention.

Mothers over 40 are involved in various roles

Biologically, there is no doubt that gynaecologists are right: women are better off getting pregnant young, 25, 27, 30, 32 years old.

However, there are no differences in the psychological part of these women compared to the younger ones in terms of psychopathology. That is, there are no problems in these women psychopathologically. From the whole spectrum of female reproductive ability – from 15-50 years the highest rates of depression occur in adolescent mothers; the other age groups do not show differences.