NOS4A2 Renewed for Season 2, This is How Vic will Kill Manx by Destroying Wraith

NOS4A2 Season 2

NOS4A2 pronounced as Nosferatu which means Vampire, is a supernatural horror drama series.

The tv series is based on Joe Hill’s novel titled the same, NOS4A2. The supernatural horror TV adaptation marked its entry on June 2, 2019.

NOS4A2 follows the story of a 135-year old immortal being, Charlie Manx abducts children from their bad parents and bring them to a supernatural, magical place called Christmasland. Moreover, the series focuses on the nemesis of Charlie, a supernatural power holder lady, Victoria “Vic” McQueen.

Let me clearly state you a fact, Manx abducts the children and transform them into vampires and here the reason lies that why the series called Nosferatu “Vampire”.

Currently, the series is airing AMC and is 7 episodes deep into its season 1.

Even before the finale of Season 1, makers renewed the series for its Season 2.

Surely, this renewal remarks the immense success of NOS4A2, and intense applaud it’s gaining from fans.

Only 3 episodes are left behind, and yet a lot to come in the supernatural horror drama, NOS4A2 Season 1.

However, till now we have glanced that Charlie is dying but he takes Joe with him to the Christmisland, where the deadly game began.

Let’s talk about what will happen next at the end of Season 1 and further in Season 2 of NOS4A2. Surely, there will be more chills of horror and heart-wrenching deadly sequences.

What Will Happen Next in NOS4A2?

As per the novel’s story, the protagonist, Vic will have a child named as Wayne whom Charlie Manx will abduct but Vic will rescue him. And she will destroy the Wraith to kill Manx and also explode the Christmisland along with the vampire children, and Manx. But, tragically, Vic will not be able to survive and fall dead.

On the other hand, after Vic’s dead, almost all of the abducted children will come back to the real world and transformed into their normal human existence. Wayne will also find himself normal, and hopefully, then his nightmares about the Christmisland, and vampires will go off.

Well, it is all up to the tv series makers how they will feature the circumstances and present the story in the seasons of NOS4A2. A lot of changes are expected though.

Stay tuned for more updates!