Powerful Logo Design Optimization Techiques For SEO

Below, we're sharing some of the best image SEO tips so that you can begin using your logo for SEO today.

logo SEO tip

The competition for search engine results real estate is strife. Here are some tips to make sure your logo pops up the next time someone feeds in your keywords in the search bar.

Make use of ALT Text

Starting with the most primary, yet the least focused on practice: ALT Text

When an image is put up on a website, there is an image code that goes along with it. One of the components of the image code is the ALT Text attribute which can be thought of as a single word description for the text.

Since search engines aren’t the best at reading images the way they are at reading texts, it’s important we let them know about the content of the image.

One would assume everyone optimizes the ALT attribute according to the image content, but that is not true.

Most web-programmers are usually negligent of this; perhaps because our search engines have become better at reading images.

Still, this technology has a long way to go so meanwhile, our word of advice is to not ignore this SEO practice.

Here is a sample of an ALT Text attribute for a hypothetical logo design company, “US Updates”:

<img src=”https://www.usupdtes.com/images/usupdates-logo.jpg” alt=”US Updates”>

Reinforce the ALT Text attribute

Take the basic technique we just mentioned a step further and amplify it. Do so by optimizing your logo for your geographical and industry location.

For instance, if you specialize in a particular business logo design, put that in!

SEO is all about optimizing your site for search results because this helps you rank better in searches made for your geographical location and industry.

This is an example of how this attribute would look reinforced with your location:

<img src=”https://www.usupdtes.com/images/usupdates-logo.jpg” alt=”US Updates, News, Movies”>

Don’t overdo it

Word of advice: draw line between keyword enriched HTML code and a keyword stuffed HTML code.

Avoid overdoing the keywords because too many instead result in a penalty. People sometimes like to go extra with their keywords and if you’re of those, be careful!

We recommend you to not to exceed the length of the attribute shown above. If the text is not descriptive or directly relevant to the logo, you run the risk of being penalized.

In fact, if you’re adding descriptors to the text, we would recommend you to go the extra mile and include those descriptors in the image too.

If this is not possible then only include descriptions already present in the logo.

Take care to be smart and thoughtful about what you choose to put in the ALT Text attribute to ensure search engines don’t find the text to be deviant from the image.


It doesn’t end with the HTML code – the file name of your logo design can also be optimized for the search engine.

If your logo file name is something as basic as “logo.jpg”, it won’t help you a lot with search rankings.

Changing it to include your company name or descriptor instead, will give your website the edge.

Look at the following example of a renamed logo file:

<img src=”https://www.usupdtes.com/images/usupdates-logo.jpg” alt=”US Updates”>

Why does the file name matter? When someone makes a search with the keywords “logo designs” and “Australia”, search engines like google will automatically notice that your logo file is relevant to the search made and direct your site to them.

An optimized file name with an optimized ALT Text attribute packs the ultimate punch.

Link + Title attribute

First off links are important, so your logo design needs to be linked to your website’s homepage. Don’t forget to enter your homepage’s canonical link in order to prevent any duplicate issues. (neworleansathleticclub.com)

Second, you can once again perform further optimization by putting the title attribute in the link.

Hint: as is obvious, you can enter the Title attribute in IMG tag of your logo. But if you’re already following the above-mentioned techniques then it is better to add the Title attribute in the link.

Be sure to keep the ALT Text and Title text the same.

Dealing with tricky logos

If your logo is against a colored background, you’re good to go. However, for those with a logo that isn’t visible against a white background, you might face a problem here.

When you try to tag the image as your logo, Google may decline because essentially, your logo is invisible to the system.

Be consistent

Undoubtedly, your logo will be a large part of your brand identity so it is important to stick to it across social media services. Other than this, you will strengthen the connection of your logo as your representative by remaining consistent.

A good SEO strategy is one that leaves no stone unturned. By incorporating these techniques in your SEO practices, your website can dominate search engine results the next time someone types in the relevant keywords.