Showcase Your Creativity and Get Hired With These Tips

Showcase Your Creativity and Get Hired With These Tips

Are you itching to get your artwork, fashion design, web design skills, or any number of other creative endeavours noticed by people other than your friends and family? While their support is much appreciated, you’d love to start earning some cash and recognition from other like-minded peers for all of your hard work. In this post, you will find how you can showcase your creativity, which can help you to get hired.

Landing a job in a creative field isn’t always as easy. Working in the arts in urban centres is more common than smaller cities, but the high competition level is fierce. Smaller communities have a disadvantage because there are fewer positions to apply for. However, landing that dream job and getting paid for your artistry isn’t impossible. Millions of people do it every day — whether they live in the middle of Manhattan or a small Midwestern town. All it takes is a little creativity (which won’t be difficult for you) and hard work.

Read on for some tips you can try to showcase your creativity at home that is sure to alert potential employers to your visionary genius!

Invest in Personalized Merchandise 

Have you ever been to a concert? If you have, you’re probably familiar with the “merch table” — the place where attendants can purchase records, CDs, t-shirts, and more rock and roll goodies. Of course, personalized merchandise isn’t limited to the music business. You’ll find branded items for any institution, company, magazine, literary journal — you name it. Selling merchandise is a brilliant business idea because it enables fans to show their support and loyalty to something (or someone) while also gaining additional interest and business from onlookers. 

If you design your own t shirts with your logo, a piece of work, or even a link to your Twitter or Instagram (think of the shirts as walking business cards), you’re taking a necessary step towards your goal. Branded clothing shows others that you have a following, and you’re serious about what you do. Sell them at events, on your website, and to your most loyal friends and family.

Utilize the Power of LinkedIn

Showcase your creativity in many types don’t take enough advantage of LinkedIn. Some might assume it’s not for them because of its corporate aesthetic. While the site is corporate on many levels, it’s also open to people seeking employment in several areas, including the creative arts. If you want to be a graphic designer, for example, check out LinkedIn to find local agencies or other organizations. Are you a writer? You’d be surprised how many literary connections are on LinkedIn. 

So, what to do once you get an account? Messaging a company’s president isn’t necessarily encouraged because it can come off as arrogant or simply annoying. If there’s a specific place that you have in mind to apply, conduct a little research to see if there’s someone else you could private message — perhaps someone with a job title you’re interested in. Ask relevant questions about the company’s work environment and the background they have. Remember always to thank them!

The most important thing to do if you want to showcase your creativity is to be confident. People want to see that you believe in yourself and are proud of your work. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and show the world what you can do!