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The Best Games to Play in an Adult Video Session

The Best Games to Play in an Adult Video Session

Be it a live sex video call with a stranger online or a long-distance hook-up with a devoted partner, the key to good video sex is simple: It needs to be as much fun as possible. 

People indulge in adult video sessions with nothing on their minds but instant gratification, available on tap if that’s the be-all and end-all of your desires. 

But when it comes to genuinely satisfying live sex video calls, it brings a little more fun and games since the whole thing can make a difference. Think of it a little like (literally) jumping straight on top of your partner and getting down to business rather than spending a decent amount of time beforehand on foreplay.

Both technically lead to the same result, but one is much more fulfilling, satisfying, and enjoyable than the other.

Long-Distance Sex Games 

This is where sex games can make all the difference to an otherwise moribund adult video session. Experimenting with the occasional game or two really can transform something predictable (if not completely bland) into something you’ll both get a real kick out of. 

And that’s a point that warrants emphasizing at this stage – it’s not all about you. This is another big mistake many people (men and women alike) make when indulging in virtual sex. They enter the whole thing with their wants and needs in mind, giving little to no thought to the satisfaction or enjoyment of their partner. 

When you play games, you both enjoy and get something special out of the experience.  It may take a while before you develop games you both like playing equally, but it’s well worth the effort.

Top Sexy Games to Try Out 

The good news – pretty much any game you can think of can be made into a sexy video call game. You need to use your imagination and come up with your own rules. 

All games are, by their nature, focused on winning and losing. If you win, you get to ask your partner to do something. If you lose, they get the privilege, and you must obey. 

Once you’ve factored in this basic mechanic, you realize the broad scope of getting sexy with long-distance games. Anything goes, and experimenting with plenty of different games regularly comes highly recommended.

But if you’re finding yourself short on inspiration, here are five simple yet stellar ideas to get you started:

Strip Twister 

First up, arming yourselves with a Twister set each is something you’ll never regret doing. The classic of classics where sexy games are concerned, you take turns spinning the pointer and attempt the position required accordingly.  Only in this instance you remove an item of clothing with each spin.  Or, if preferred, start naked in the first place. 

Dirty Jenga

This takes a little more prep but is well worth the effort.  You need to write some pose, activity, or command on each Jenga block (the same for both sets) and build the tower as normal. Then, you take turns removing one block at a time normally, and you have to do what it says on each block you remove. Then, when the tower comes crashing down for one of you, your partner gets to ask you to do a dare. 

Kama Sutra Playing Cards

The perfect combination of sexiness and hilarity, things quickly get quite silly with this old gem. You both invest in the same deck of cards, take turns drawing a card, and then act out the weird and wonderful positions accordingly. Some of these are practically impossible by normal human standards, but never fail to get a giggle when attempted. 

Reading Sexy Stories

Not technically a game in the conventional sense, but hugely popular and extremely enjoyable. It’s simply a case of taking turns reading sexy scenes from select publications or magazines to the person on the other end. Or better yet, why not write your sexy scenes and treat them to something original?

Sexy Dice

Last up. You could also go with the classic set of sexy dice. If you can’t find dice with the right activities and dares printed on them, it’s easy as pie to make your own. Make sure you both have the same activities on your dice before taking turns rolling them and doing what you’re instructed.