Unemployment Payments of $400-per-week Announced by Donald Trump


On Saturday, August 8, President Donald Trump approved four executive actions. The aim is now to bring relief in the form of unemployment payments. The decision is for all the Americans who are struggling financially due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In this context, the President also brings accusations against the Democrats. According to him, they are responsible for delaying efforts regarding more significant aids.

The final amount of unemployment payments is $400-per-week, and it will be a massive help for all those who are now out of work. Now, this aid is just short of the $600-per-week benefit that ended back in July. President Trump also took the initiative of allowing extensions on loan relief for students. Besides, homeowners and renters are now protected against any kind of evictions due to the non-payment of bills.

Last but not least, now Americans will also get a payroll tax holiday towards the end of a year. It is primarily for the ones who earn less than $100,000 per year. Americans have also received assurance of further relief and aids in the upcoming future.

The executive action signing session

Amidst a big crowd of people cheering for President Trump, he signed the executive actions. The event took place in Bedminster, New Jersey’s Trump National Golf Club. In the press conference following the signing session, he stated his opinion about the Democrats as well. According to him, the blame regarding coronavirus stalemate in Congress goes on the Democrats.

Besides, President Trump assures everyone that all such matters will now be entirely under his control. He added that the Democrats are creating barriers all the time. Therefore, signing the executive actions is the only option left. According to him, this step will lead to saving jobs and providing relief to the people in America.

For the $400-per-week aid funding, the states are responsible for contributing 25 percent of the amount. For the remaining 75 percent, the federal government will cover up the amount to help the millions of jobless people. When reporters asked the President when the people will receive the amount, he said that the distribution would be very rapid.

Tiff between the President and the Democrats

In a sarcastic tone, Trump said that the $400 is a boost that exceeds the Congressional Republicans’ expectations. While a portion of people is standing on the opposition regarding the extending federal aid, the other half supports a boost that should not exceed $200-per-week. In the meantime, Democrats are still fighting for a total of $600 unemployment aid. It is the maximum amount that has been demanded ever. On the other hand, Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker along with Sen. Chuck Schumer, and D. Califf are dismissing Trump’s actions calling it “meager.” They are openly slamming him because he did the signing sitting in the Bedminster club.

As a part of a joint statement issued on Saturday, August 8, Schumer and Pelosi slammed President Trump. They claimed that Trump’s move is proof that he is still unable to assess the urgency or seriousness of the situation. According to them, the President does not understand the economic and health crisis that the working families are facing in America. They said that it is a disappointment how the President chose to overlook the actual problems. Instead, he thinks that spending a vacation in his luxury golf club is more important right now. Moreover, he now chooses to announce his narrow and weak policies from his luxury zones. While people were expecting the full unemployment payment benefit, Trump proudly slashed the amount and is also justifying the same.

What about the Congressional Republicans?

It seems that President Trump was aiming for a payroll tax holiday for a long time. He believes that it will be helpful when it comes to funding Medicare and social security funding. However, the Congressional Republicans decide not to fight for the provision. The primary reason is the amount of suspension on tax collection can mount up on a mountain of staggering debt. In this case, unilateral execution can lead to more legal problems. So, President Trump is already predicting the lawsuit consequences of the sidestepping lawmakers.

On the other hand, Congress is just controlling federal expenditure. Even after so many controversies, President Trump has challenged opponents who he thinks are trying to deny opportunities to America. In this context, Trump says that if he and his cabinet faces legal charges, everyone should know that it is because of people who are opposing the betterment of the country now.

According to Sen. Ron Wyden, President Trump is just trying to distract from his failure to make the extension. The $600 federal boost for more than 30 million workers who are out of work did not deserve the immediate issuance of executive orders that are also illegal. Wyden adds that the act is a typical con game by the President to act as a great leader. While on the other hand, he is robbing needy people of the support that is a primary requirement presently.

Supporting the policies and methods of Donald Trump

On the contrary, Sen. Chuck Grassley is supporting the unilateral actions of President Donald Trump. He says that he appreciates the executive efforts that are going to benefit the Americans. Grassley is the chief Republican in the Senate’s Finance Committee. He adds that the Democrats’ principle that aims for all or nothing does not make sense when so many people need to pay off their bills. According to Grassley, the President’s priority is his people, unlike the Democrats for whom, playing political games is of utmost importance.

The Democrats were blaming the GOP throughout for being unable to understand the seriousness of the present crisis. They also said that the GOP is playing the “nickel and dime” game with the needy people. On the other hand, the President’s cabinet from the White House was busily counter-attacking the Democrats for their unwillingness to compromise. Besides, President Trump also slams the $3 trillion HEROES Act of the Democrats, saying that it is a typical leftist policy. According to the President, they are just trying to steal the show in the upcoming elections. The Democrats believe that the orders of the President are narrower in scope compared to the trillions act. On the other hand, Congress is gearing up for a massive stimulus to the country hit by the novel coronavirus.

Did the President miss out on something?

Some people say that President Trump did not address some of the severe issues that the Congressional proposals are yet to deal with. This includes the next round of $1200 stimulus checks. Moreover, there is an infusion of cash to the local governments and state offices under crisis. Besides, there is the issue of relief that will help schools to reopen more safely. The other problems include food assistance, finance for mail-in voting, newer lawsuit protections for organizations, and more. However, the Trump government believes that it still has access to $140 billion to help in the reprogramming process. This includes an $80 billion untapped amount from the massive coronavirus bill and $40 billion from the Disaster Relief Fund.