Walmart CEO Doug McMillon Pledges $100 Million to Address Racism

Walmart CEO Doug McMillon Pledges $100 Million to Address Racism

Walmart CEO Doug McMillon pledges to donate $100 million within the next five years to build a new center for racial equity. This comes after nationwide unrest due to the death of George Floyd, who was killed by the Minneapolis police.

Doug McMillon wrote a mail to his employees on Friday, stating how he condemns racial violence. He said that he wants the company to change and bring in racial equity both inside and outside of Walmart.

He laid out many initiatives the company will undertake in order to promote equality. From recruiting, development, to supporting African American communities, they will make priorities and work on them accordingly. The organization will also invest towards being equal in society.

McMillon wrote that they will find the natural overlaps between the core business of Walmart and serve society’s larger needs. They will take measures to perpetuate discrimination and racism. He also added that Walmart will focus on the country’s healthcare, criminal justice, finance, and education systems.

CEO Doug McMillon said that the main focus will be on racial equity. They will promote it by offering better economic opportunities and healthier lifestyles. They will also work towards healthcare facilities, strengthen the workforce, and educational systems. The company will also focus on criminal justice reform and stress on examining barriers to opportunity faced by people exiting the system.

Impact of George Floyd death

The video shot on a cellphone showing how Minneapolis police officer pinned the African American on the ground gasping for air. The manslaughter event enraged people across America and other parts of the world. The death was one of the numerous examples of racial injustice in America.

Many organizations like Walmart have promised to address racism. Nike is one of them and they promised to devote $40 million across four years to support the black community in the US.