Warm labour day long weekend ahead

labour day weather forcast

Warm Labour day long weekend:

During the last long weekend of Labour day September 1-3rd of 2018, summer like conditions are expected, along with isolated showers on Sunday and Monday.

According to City news specialist Frank Ferragine, the forecast details shows partly cloudy on Thursday in the GTA with a high of 22 C.

Denise’s seven day forecast are as follows:

Thursday – 22 C 15 C
Friday – 23 C 19 C
Saturday – 27 C 22 C
Sunday – 27 C 22 C
Monday – 27 C 22 C
Tuesday – 27 C 21 C
Wednesday – 28 C 20 C

Let’s enjoy the atmosphere in the Village, free concerts, a host of active and culinary events plus all the outdoor activities that one love and free public transit during the weekend.

There are many activities which can be planned during this long weekend. Some of them are: Art adventure, Free concerts presented by whistler, Mountaintop Top Summer Feast, Golf, bike, hike or cruise to your heart’s content or even the North face Valley to peak race or perfect for trail running, Art show, Puppet show which connects with the culture, also can enjoy Whistler’s past and present by learning the stories, visiting cultural institutions and displays of public art. Pick the ultimate relaxation, plan for a Massage and hydrotherapy at the Scandinave Spa combined with a facial and a yoga session or two will make you feel you are in heaven. Drive yourself on an ATV tour or can get the bird’s eye view of British Columbia’s mountains from a floatplane. Book a long weekend for relaxation.

What’s more! Plan for the last long weekend of Summer and enjoy.