What Do You Need To Know Before Undergoing Neck Lift Santa Monica

What Do You Need To Know Before Undergoing Neck Lift Santa Monica

Did you ever consider undergoing plastic surgery? If so, then you shouldn’t believe that you’re exaggerating your desire to look as good as you were once. Hundreds and thousands of people undergo plastic surgery every year. After all, as they age, they encounter several aspects about their appearances that they wish to change, and plastic surgery is an excellent option. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to achieve your aesthetic objectives. If it increases your confidence and makes you happy, then you shouldn’t hesitate to do it. However, researching the subject beforehand is mandatory. So, if you’re planning to undergo Neck Lift Santa Monica, then this topic is a must-read for you.

  1. The similarities: Most people get confused about what the neck lift surgery incorporates because if you enhance the appearance of your neck, then you do some amount of augmentation to your face at the same time. Generally, people resort to this surgery when they want to create a contrasting neck against the jaw-line or vice-versa. Others simply wish to get rid of the extra fat that accumulates below the chin. Remedies for the double-chin issue are available in multiple forms, such as liposuction, submental liposuction, etc. These procedures will remove excess fat to create a fitter and more youthful look. Conversely, fixing flabby or loose skin on the neck requires a surgeon to conduct a facelift. The specialist may even consider combining it with liposuction and a chin implant.
  2. Multiple procedures: The facelift procedure has several options for you to explore. If you want the best results, then you need to seek out a surgeon who can do it comprehensively while lifting the jowls, the skin on your neck, and the mid-face area. You will remain under general anesthesia, and the operation will continue for three to five hours. For some patients, a relatively less invasive process called MACS can prove to be effective. Surgeons can perform this procedure within their office because it doesn’t incorporate too many incisions. It also has a significantly short recovery time.
  3. Results and recovery: A comprehensive Neck Lift Santa Monica incorporates various medications and a specific recovery period that varies from one patient to another. While most people feel better within seven days, you should consider taking at least three weeks off. Every sign of bruising or swelling will fade within fourteen days. Cosmetic surgery facilities usually offer consultations so that the patient can plan things in advance and what the recovery period entails. You will find out everything about the procedure, including the steps, medicines that you have to take, and the activities that you avoid during recovery.
  4. Preparing your skin: Experts suggests patients prepare their skin before undergoing the surgery. Plastic surgeons have many tricks up their sleeves with which they fix almost every sign of aging. However, the original condition of your skin will inevitably affect the outcome of the process. An adult above forty years, who doesn’t indulge in smoking, will get better results than another person who smokes. Additionally, if you treat your skin with appropriate, dermatologist-prescribed skincare treatments, then you will receive better results. Therefore, you should begin preparing for your neck lift several weeks before the procedure.

Outcomes may vary

As already mentioned earlier, the overall health of an individual, as well as the condition of his/her skin, will dictate the results of the Neck Lift Santa Monica. So, if you’re a smoker, and if your smoking habit affects the results of the surgery, then you won’t have anyone to blame but yourself. Then again, managing to quit smoking will allow you to look ten to fifteen years younger than you actually are with this surgery. A few other things also require consideration regarding the outcome, including nutrition, genetics, general lifestyle, physical activity level, stress level, hormones, and sun exposure.