What Is a Modular Home?

what is a modular home

Has the thought of building your own house ever crossed your mind? Yes, we all love to have a dream like this. Our own modular home, where we can do anything, and no one can say a word. How interesting that would be! But the process of construction is difficult and time-consuming.

If you want to make your own house, you have to go through this construction process, workers tension, raw materials supply. Because of the procedure and extra trouble, most of us confined to bury our dream of building a house of our own.

But the modern era of technology never misses to surprise us. A great idea has developed to build houses without any hassle! A modular home. Sounds interesting? Let’s find out how to build a modular home without being in so much trouble and fulfill the dream of your own house.



A modular home builds in a factory. But how could this be possible? It is like a factory-like setting. Instead of making the house base in a place, the manufacturers make the house parts somewhere else, far from the houses. 

Like in a factory, where we process all the components differently, but in the end, one final product comes out. After that, they carefully cover and transport the finished products to the exact new location. There a builder assembles them to a house, like preparing a bride for her wedding day. 

Though builders don’t make the house portions altogether, you cannot think it is a mobile home. A modular home is simply a home that builders construct off-site. Often we call modular homes factory-built, system-built, or prefab homes (short for prefabricated). Hence, all the types are different in their way.



Some essential facts about modular home-

  • Modular homes will transport from the construction location to the permanent location. As a result, the owner needs not to take the pressure and tension of construction work. Crane and track move the house parts to the actual location.


  • Modular homes may differ in the building process, but the value is the same as any on-site infrastructure. So, the owner has no worries about the market value for his modular home. He can sell it easily at the same price as a typical home.


  • They are comfortably customized. One can modify every part at any time. If one doesn’t like the placement of a window in a wall, he has the freedom to change it just in case. Just call the engineer and ask for a change or replacement. That portion will eliminate and replace with the new design. It’s easy because the whole structure would not get hampered.


  • Most modular home building companies have in-house engineering departments that utilize CAD (Computer-Aided Design).


  • They vary in size and style. So, be tension free that one’s modular home is different from the neighboring modular homes. Size depends on the owner. He can wish for a big modular home with many rooms and facilities, where some can ask for small two or three rooms modular homes. 


So, the size is flexible. The same goes in the case of style. One has a choice to make a kitchen with several cabinet systems. On the other hand, another wishes to look at his kitchen simple.


  • We can use modular houses in commercial applications.

  • As an office building, a modular style can be considerable.


  • Modular homes have also seemed real property and permanent structures.


  • They impose taxes on modular homes, too, like the on site-built homes.


  • Basements are built in modular homes. So, all the facilities provided the same as typical homes.


  • Time consumption is a major factor here. We all know how much time it takes to construct a building. In this case, modular homes.


  • Can withstand up to 173-mph winds.



Prefab homes are constructed as portions off-site and assembled on-site. They consist of several components, like a LEGO game set. You have to take the small parts and make a complete building. The prefab homes also work like that. 

They consist of many components built in a factory setting and then assembled on-site to build your new home. And we know modular homes are the same. Thus, people often consider a modular home as a prefab home.



  • Manufactured homes are built in a factory. After that, delivered to the home site on a steel chassis and its wheels. When the wheels are removed, the steel chassis still attached. In the past, these homes have been called “mobile homes” or “trailer homes.”


  • You can build a manufactured home on your land or on land that you rent. But, it’s important to understand the terms and conditions that are associating with the land. If the land is yours, double-check to make sure it’s okay to add a manufactured home. You can move a manufactured home to other land designed for the purpose in some cases.


  • In terms of expense, we can make a difference between the two types of homes.

  • Modular homes are less expensive than normal house building. But the manufactured homes are built at the lowest cost. Thus, manufactured homes are more convenient in case of an expense than a modular home.


  • A modular home can withstand 173 mph wind, where manufactured homes are less reliable. So, based on the soundness of the home, modular is more preferable.


  • A manufactured home is delivered within days, but modular homes take a longer time to be prepared. Sometimes maybe months. If anyone cherishes building his dream house in a few days, he should choose a manufactured house over the modular type.


  • Financing terms are quite easy and simple for modular homes. But they are difficult to understand and explain in the case of manufactured homes.  Both are different from on-site building on financed. Even so, between the two modular home is convenient.


  • Modular homes have the same price value as one on-site infrastructure. So, you need not worry about the price if you, at some point, want to sell it. But manufactured homes are less pricy and difficult to get enough money from the market.


  • Modular and manufactured homes have less ability to customize than a site-built home, but the modular home is easy to modify than the manufactured ones. Overall, a modular house is quite different and more preferable to everyone.

It would help if you examined every aspect and then choose the best one for your dream house.



  • Modular homes are more affordable to build than a typical house building.


  • Shorter build times are assessed in modular home construction.


  • There is no need for inspections in modular home construction sites. They do that at the factory. As a result, inspections aren’t necessary.


  • Customization is effortless in modular homes.

  • Because of this, you can customize the house as you like. After some time, you can also change the structure.


  • The house building materials are quite energy savings. As they have to move them from a construction place to an on-site location, the materials should be airier and less weighted. Thus, they can carry them out and place them in one area.


  • If the materials are heavy and the final product cannot carry, then the modular home will not be convenient for movement.


Usually, the building of a house is somehow dependent on the weather. There is no need to think about it because here is the logic behind it. You cannot start construction work in the rainy season because proper moisture and sunlight are necessary to dry the raw materials. 

The binding will not be enough to protect the home from adverse climatic hazards. On the other hand, the modular home portions are prepared in one place and set up in an actual land site. As they are made in a factory, the effect of climatic phenomena is least. Thus, you can build a modular home whenever the period you want.



  • Though the modular home portions are made or produced in a factory, you have to buy or lease land for final building set-up. So, without ownership of land, you cannot purchase a modular home.
  • The off-site structure will only provide you with the facilities of hard materials, i.e., walls, ceiling. But You will have to build the foundation on-site. Over which the final prepared structure will set. Also, you have to add plumbing, electrical hookups, and sewage on-site. These will not be provided with an off-site building system.
  • Most of us afraid to build our house.

  • Because of the huge money that we don’t possess. For this, the solution could be taking a loan from a bank or other financial institution. In the building of a modular home, it may take a construction loan at first. There are some banks and organizations providing loans that are enough for one year. But You can’t modify the money and terms according to the size of the house later. And the burden of loans puts both mental and financial pressure.
  • After taking the first-year loan, you have to change the condition of the loan type. You will need to convert the terms into a longer-term mortgage. This term is required to carry on the process of home loans.

All the loan process is very lengthy and stressful. You have to take care of the loan installments and the period. As the construction loan is essential for modular home building, maybe people think twice to make a modular format. This format will show the demerit of a modular home.



If making a modular home seems troublesome, you have an option to buy or purchase a modular home online! How easy things become through technology, isn’t it? Some online sites are providing the facilities for selling modular homes-

  • Amazon: 


You can explore lots of modular home options all over amazon, which is outstanding. You can also easily buy a 1000 sq. Km modular home with cabinet system just with one click! Watch all the options and choose the best one for you. 

Amazon can deliver a modular home on average for 110-120 days.

  • Nationwide Homes: 

In the Southeast, it is a major manufacturer of modular homes. They have a variety of plans on this site that is beyond your imagination. They are including two-story prefab homes, Cape Cod, or Ranch styles. Nationwide Homes are available in particular regions throughout the world. The regions are Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

  • Impresa Modular: 

Sometimes, you don’t find any modular home selling dealer in your locality. Also, you could have the possibility of purchasing from another country. 

In this case, the shipment from that country to our reception country is the only way. Therefore, you will need a trustworthy shipment availing online site.

Impresa Modula is the best choice for the shipment of modular homes. If you’re in search of a prefab home style to be shipped nearly anywhere, Impresa Modular’s prefab homes can ship to any state in the world. What else you need now? They have eight styles of homes. They include the popular contemporary styles and many immediate delivery home options available based on your country’s zip code.



You have all rights to dream of your own house. That’s why new technologies are invented and developed continuously to meet our needs. A modular home will not only fulfill your dream but also will give ease to the environment.

It is easy to purchase and modify whenever you want. More resistant to climatic hazards. Thus, prefab homes like modular homes should be on the top of your list in terms of building your very own home.