What Is Rectified Tile?


Whenever someone asks about the most popular kind of tile, two names come into my mind – porcelain and ceramic tile. What Is Rectified Tile? Manufacturers make them both from clay, and their production process is almost the same. What differentiates them is their strength. This is one of the most common types of tiles these days. 

Rectified tile is not an exclusive kind of tile of its own. Rectified tile is available in both porcelain and ceramic. It is because the exclusivity of this tile comes from its finishing. This kind of tile is cut down to an exact square, at a 90-degree angle. 

The edges of the rectified tile are what make it different. The sharp finishing of this kind of tile ensures that the grout lines are as invisible as possible, lowering its width as much as possible. It provides a smooth finishing of the floor for someone who doesn’t want the grout lines to be contrasting the tiles.

Why Are Rectified Tiles Made?

If you are into cooking and baking, this will be easier for you to grasp. If you have ever baked, you will see that, with heat, the dough will first bloat out, then slowly as it cools down, it will shrink. It can be hard to figure out the exact size that the bread will come out in. 

The making of a tile is not so different. The process of making tile includes heating of clay at a specific rate. So, when making porcelain or ceramic tile, the clay will change its size. With the advancement in technology, the process has gotten a lot easier because now we can better predict the size of the tile that will turn out. 

But, the fact of the matter is that it is still not perfect. Which is where rectification of a tile comes in. There are tiles which are fired and molded, but not rectified. Those kinds of tile will not have the finishing of a rectified tile, meaning its edges will have some dimensional difference. 

So, why is rectified tile made? To make the tiles look more symmetrical. To get a better and more comprehensive outlook of the tiles.

Should You Buy Rectified Tile?

Rectified tile literally has the edge over ordinary porcelain and ceramic tile. With it comes a number of perks that you might not notice. These are the reasons why you should or should not invest in rectified tile, instead of ordinary tiles.

If You Want A Cleaner Grout Line:

I believe this is the most crucial feature of rectified tile. Most people who prefer rectified tile over any other happen to like it because it can give your floor a cleaner look. Some people like their grout to provide a different look for their floor, where the tiles and its lines become more visible. 

But, most people prefer not to embrace the grout lines and try to blend them with the tile as much as possible. If you are one of those people, then you should definitely opt for rectified tile.

If You Want to Install Larger Tiles:

Grout lines are hard to clean, especially if you want to blend the color of the grout with that of the tiles and the rest of your floor. So, if you want that clean look for your home, you need to get bigger tiles. 

What it does is, it reduces the number of grout lines per square feet. It makes it easy for you to maintain the grout lines. The low number of grout lines also ensures a tidier look.

If You Don’t Want Natural Stone Tile:

There is a reason only porcelain and ceramic tiles are rectified. As they have a specific manufacturing procedure that results in uneven tiles. To make it right, they are rectified. With a non-rectified tile, you will just have to use wider grout lines, and your floor might look asymmetrical. 

Natural stone tile is cut directly from stone, so the process of making this kind of tile is rectification itself. That means there is no need for ‘rectified’ natural stone tile. Therefore, rectified natural stone tile doesn’t exist.