8 Reasons Why WordPress SEO Is The Best Choice

wordpress Theme

A large number of people convert websites to WordPress themes to get an SEO-friendly interface. In fact, WordPress SEO is the best choice for anyone looking to popularize an interface quickly.

Search engine optimization or SEO Services is a collection of activities that help websites in getting prominent rankings in search results. While paid advertising is a good promotional tool, it cannot match the returns generated by large volumes of organic traffic.

WordPress has many in-built features that assist in the creation of SEO-ready interfaces. Owners have to apply good practices and their websites will quickly move up in relevant search rankings. This is a big factor which has contributed to the popularity of the CMS.

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Let’s see why the platform is ideal for SEO.

1. Easy Content Management And Optimization

Content plays a vital role in optimizing a website. WordPress provides for easy content management.

People without any technical knowledge can modify and upload material on an interface. It has a user-friendly and intuitive text editor which makes optimizing content a simple task.

Users can include hyperlinks, heading tags, or upload ALT tags through the editor. Website owners can create categories to organize all the content in different sections. It has a helpful feature for auto-scheduling the publishing of the content.

People can set the date and time on which a material will go live on the website. All these features ease the process of uploading optimized content.

2. Option For Creating Custom Permalinks

URLs are another important element of SEO. Websites must have well-structured links that are easily understood by visitors as well as search engines.

optimize permalinks setting in wordpress

WordPress allows users to create custom permalinks which can be optimized with keywords as well. Take a look at this URL which is generated by default by the CMS:


It does not communicate the kind of content the page which it represents, contains. Now look at permalink created by modifying the above URL:


This clearly indicates what the page contains. It can improve the click-through rate of the pages and improve the overall visibility of the interface.

3. Effortless Addition Of Metadata

Metadata helps in demonstrating the relevance of a page to search engines for related searches.

The title and meta description of a page are key SEO factors that must be added to every web page. Optimizing the metadata with keywords impacts the search results rankings greatly. Attractive metadata can compel visitors to click on a search result and visit the website.

WordPress users can easily create and add metadata by using a plugin. They can compose appropriate titles and descriptions which will be visible in search results pages.

4. Availability Of Helpful Tools

WordPress is one of the most user-friendly website building tools in the world. People do not require a high level of technical knowledge to use the CMS.

Themes and plugins are its core features which make life easy for users. Most of the templates available on the platform have in-built SEO features.

There are also numerous plugins created specifically for SEO purposes and they are one of the best ways to optimize your website. These tools help in conducting important tasks like metadata creation or content optimization easily. Users have to simply search and install a plugin to enable a necessary function.

In most other platforms, they will have to rely on professional developers to conduct the process. The availability of helpful tools is a big reason for choosing WordPress SEO over other options.

5. Convenient Methods For Optimizing Images

In order to attract more visitors, website owners are constantly looking to improve the visual appeal of their interfaces. They like to add beautiful images and infographics to support their textual content.

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However, the large file size of high-quality images can easily increase the loading time of the website. All the images, therefore, must be resized and compressed before uploading. WordPress users can automate the whole process by adding a plugin to their interfaces.

Users only need to configure the settings and the tools will do the needful. The platform also provides the feature for adding Alt text which helps search engines understand the nature of an image.

6. WordPress Is A Mobile-friendly Platform

WordPress Is A Mobile-friendly Platform

Mobile-devices are powering a majority of the world’s internet traffic. People are using these gadgets to search and also to conduct transactions like buying and selling.

The rising use of smart devices led to Google announcing that it was switching to mobile first indexing. This means that the search engine will check the mobile version of an interface for finalizing its position.

WordPress is a mobile-friendly platform with most of its themes being responsive in nature. Websites made with such themes will render properly on all devices and will be easily indexed by Google.

7. Simple Ways For Adding Sitemaps

Image Source: Expertrec

Google recommends that websites, especially those with numerous pages must have a sitemap. This document contains a list of all the pages of an interface.

XML sitemaps are used by search engines to identify all the pages of a website and select them for indexing. Having a sitemap also helps in avoiding content duplication issue which is a negative ranking signal.  Sitemaps can be complex documents for people with limited technical knowledge.

However, WordPress users face no problems in creating sitemaps. They can add the vital SEO feature by simply installing a relevant plugin.

8. Easy Social Media Integration Facility


Social Media Integration

Popularity on social media is not a direct ranking signal for search engines. However, social networks can easily drive more traffic to a website.

Brands build profiles on social channels to engage with their target audience. They post content that is specifically composed for maximizing user involvement.

People are expected to visit the brand’s website on finding the content interesting.

Websites need to have features for sharing content on different social networks. WordPress has numerous social sharing plugins that can be sued for the purpose. Most of the themes on the platform also have in-built features for integrating popular social channels.


WordPress SEO  is the ideal choice for business owners looking to harness the power of the internet effectively.

They must convert websites to WordPress themes or acquire a completely new interface to employ their SEO strategies in a much more effective manner.