Netflix is bringing new interesting anime series Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous. Franchise announced after another series named Magic: the Gathering anime. This high profile franchise series produced by together with Steven Spielberg. Netflix will unleash Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous in 2020.
It follows the teens who go at an adventure camp and take many terrible creative decisions at play. Steven Speilberg and Colin Trevorrow are the director and producer of the series; however, casting is not confirmed yet. But maybe Jurassic World or Park stars Bryce Dallas, Chris Pratt, Jeff Goldblum will pop up.
Hold onto your butts – Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous is coming in 2020! The animated series, set at the same time as the 2015 film, follows a group of teens at a new adventure camp where absolutely nothing goes wrong. Just kidding: dinosaurs.
— Netflix Family (@netflixfamily) June 4, 2019
The Jurassic franchise is the popular series on Netflix, and every time got the best rating. So as I said above, The animated series is now on screen in 2020. It is set at the same time and place as Jurassic World in 2015. There will be a lot of adventures for young boys, and they will face during the trip inside the park. The experiences will turn intro Jurassic hell with the protagonists forced to survive among the dinosaurs.
Netflix is teaming up with DreamWorks Animation for an animated Jurassic Park: Camp Cretaceous TV show. It is the collaboration between Netflix and Dream Work. There will be six teenagers and set adventure cap opposite side of Isla Nublar.
They must team up to survive when dinosaurs attack. The exact date is not set but will premiere in 2020. Stay tuned for more updates and watch the teaser of new anime series