It: Chapter one was terrific and terrifying. Similarly, chapter two promises to be scarier. Recently the trailer of it: Chapter two released. The trailer shows to sen shivers down your spine.
The franchise made series on the novel of Stephan King. The first chapter took place in 1989, in which seven outcast children called themselves the “Loser’s Club.”
Chapter two will happen after the twenty years and will be set in 2017. Pennywise returns after every twenty-seven years. Loser club’s members left the town and went on their lives.
However, Mike Stayed in Derry and worked as a librarian. Moreover, Loser’s club reunion happens, and Mike reminds them that they swore to stop pennywise if he returns.
The story of It: Chapter 2 will show how the group friend tries to stop them from taking more children and continuing Pennywise’s horror. So the Loser club will deal with Pennywise who will be after then and their blood and souls.
So fans are excited because the second chapter will make your blood cold. It’s a mind-blowing and fantastic horror story and amazed their fans.
Well, this horror series will hit the theaters on 6th September 2019. S just hold your breath and wait for this scary series. I hope you’ll enjoy this article, and we’ll update you about its more recent updates.