Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 1 Review: “The Book of Occupation: Chapter One: Birth of Blackbird”!

Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 1: “The Book of Occupation: Chapter One: Birth of Blackbird”, Watch Online And Preview!

Black Lightning Season 3

Tonight Black Lightning Season 3 is going to air out its first episode. This show focuses heavily on its characters and their development. The youngest daughter Jennifer Pierce, portrayed by an excellent China Anne McClain, is portrayed amazingly and much more realistic than other shows.

She excellently portrays the many qualities of a teenager. And how much their emotions impact them such as irrationalism, anger, confusion, and so much more.

Whereas, you have seen that the plot and story progression is original. And you have the back and forth between parents and children that play off the real-life we live. Jefferson is a powerfully spoken black man who is hailed by other black people in the neighborhood as a shining figure.

But he also has the advantage of physically protecting his neighborhood. His daughter, inheriting his abilities are just like him when he was young. Which is why there is a constant struggle between parent and child.

Moreover, today, season 3 will air out its opening episode 1 on the CW network. The title of the episode is “The Book of Occupation: Chapter One: Birth of Blackbird”.

It will show you some hard-hitting scenes that deal with real-life issues, has great acting and directing. I hope you will enjoy it.