Trump Asks Newspapers to Stop Pulitzer Prize for Russia Coverage

Trump asks newspapers

The list of Pulitzer awardees for the year 2020 is out. The Pulitzer award is the most coveted award in the United States for journalism. The Columbia University in New York City administers these awards. A lot of journalists and publishers won the coveted award for different categories or reporting. Some journalists and publishers won the Pulitzer for their daring and brazen reporting on Russia. As you may be aware, there was speculation that President Donald Trump colluded with Russia during his campaign and term. Now, Trump asks newspapers to give up Pulitzer Prize for Russia coverage.

Pulitzer prize has been awarded for fake news

President Trump said that the coveted Pulitzer price should not be given for fake news.  Some newspapers had received the Pulitzer for their Russian coverage. They reported on whether Russia was meddling with US elections to make Trump win or not. Trump called the Russia coverage fake and biased reporting. He believed this to such an extent that Trump asked newspapers to give up Pulitzer Prize.

He said that the people who won the Pulitzer based on Russia coverage were not journalists but thieves. Trump said that all such people should return the Pulitzer prize to the Pulitzer committee. He said the new documents that came out proved that there was no collusion with Russia. President Trump also said that the Pulitzer prizes were given out falsely and were a disgrace.

What prompted this?

The Justice Department recently affirmed that they were dropping the cases against the retired General Michael Flynn. Flynn was the former National Security Advisor. He came under scrutiny following accusations of Russia’s role in the US elections. The President was happy that the cases were being dropped as he stated that Flynn was an innocent and honest man.

He called the erstwhile Obama administration corrupt and crooked. He said they had done something nobody in the history of the country had done. Instead of maligning the president’s image by personally targeting him, they went after fine people. He also said that there were so many fine people that were targeted that he couldn’t lie. He also called the former Obama administration scums and he said that they had committed treason.

President Trump called Flynn the ‘greatest warrior’. He said that nobody should have to undergo what Flynn went through. Lastly, he also said that it was an achievement that his presidency has achieved so much despite the trying times.

Final Thoughts

Trump asking newspapers to give up Pulitzer Prize is definitely something firebrand and serious. Moreover, A sitting US president called some of the most coveted journalists and newspapers a thief. While Mr. Trump is famous for brazenly speaking his mind, this is something new even for him. We need to wait to see how the media and people respond to this. Also, there is no doubt going to be some backlash against the president. A free and fair press is important for any vibrant democracy and should be respected.