Joseph DeAngelo aka Golden State Killer Sent to Life Imprisonment

Joseph DeAngelo aka Golden State Killer sentenced to life imprisonment for charges of murders
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The life imprisonment sentence has come for Joseph DeAngelo, the “Golden State Killer.” He used to be a police officer. The decision came on Friday after decades of court trials of several murders and rapes. Officials came to know about his real identity only a few years ago.

Court has ordered that DeAngelo would have to stay in jail until his death. He is 74 now with criminal charges of 13 rape-related cases and 13 murder charges. All these happened during the 1970s to 1980s. There was a plea from him which freed him from a death sentence. Joseph DeAngelo also confessed his involvement in several sexual assaults, but those statutes for limitations have already passed.

Sacramento County Superior Court Judge showed no mercy

Michael Bowman, who is Superior Court Judge of Sacramento County, announced numerous life imprisonment consecutively considering no mercy for him.

DeAngelo came in a wheelchair to the court, and taking his mask off, he addressed the judge before his verdict came.

He apologetically said that he listened to all the accusations and accepted all of them, but was genuinely sorry for what he had done.

Prosecutors addressed DeAngelo’s spree of crimes for over the last decades is utterly shocking. There were 53 crimes around California countries affecting 53 victims.

Relatives and loved ones of victims witnessed against DeAngelo

There were many relatives of the sufferers of DeAngelo, who gave their statements against him in the court.

The ex-wife of DeAngelo, Sharon Huddle, said she was unaware of her husband’s wrongdoings over the years. Sharon, who is also Sacramento attorney, claimed that she was tricked, but many victims were very much in doubt about her claims of being unaware.

Jane Carson-Sandler shared DeAngelo’s ex-fiance’s trauma

Bonnie Ueltzen, the ex-fiance of DeAngelo didn’t give her statements to the court as per the Los Angeles Times. Court did not permit her to present personally; instead, Jane Carson-Sandler said her views on Wednesday.

Jane Carson-Sandler said that if Ueltzen could share trauma and what she had gone through 50 years ago when she was just a teenager. She broke up the engagement then when she came across DeAngelo’s manipulations and abuses. She added that DeAngelo tried to kidnap Bonnie for marrying forcefully, but she could say no to him even at the front of his gun.

According to LA Times, DeAngelo was called the East Area Rapist at one point in time. He raped Carson-Sandler, and she was probably the fifth victim at the hands of him.

A victim of DeAngelo told that after the attack of No. 37 in 1978, DeAngelo was continuously saying that he hated bonnie.

“I’ll Be Gone in the Dark”, an HBO documentary series revealed Bonnie Ueltzen’s identity after several investigations.

Ueltzen accepted her suffering from DeAngelo in HBO documentary

Ueltzen said in those interviews in HBO’s series that DeAngelo came to her bedroom one day after she broke up the engagement, and he pointed a gun at her.

Carson-Sandler said on Wednesday that DeAngelo’s frustration was because of losing his control over Bonnie. Ueltzen was not responsible for his abusive and violent nature.

She added that after the life imprisonment sentence, the accused would be erased from Ueltzen’s life forever.