Free 3D Modeling Software- User Guide

Free 3D Modeling Software

The 3D means 3 Dimensional and  therefore 3D Modeling is the process of
producing a computer-based (mathematical) presentation of any surface of an object finally, whether it’s inanimate (for example-box) or living likewise an individual’s or animal and in these works, the tools used are called free 3D Modeling software.

Table of Contents

Free 3D Modeling Software-A Guide

Free 3D Modeling Software may be a computer coding or program to make a digital expression of that object. The software may be free of cost or costly.

3D Model and 3D Artist

3D Modeling makes the planning process simple. The modeling system allows somebody to form and visualize final products, and optimize and modify designs, make a document of styles, materials, and measurement in the end. The products are finally called the 3D model, and thus the person engaged within the job is named 3D Artist.

3D Modeling works in some categories, for example-

Types of 3D Modeling Work

  • Box
  • modeling
  • Polygon
  • modeling
  • Photogrammetry
  • Procedural
  • Modeling
  • Boolean
  • Modeling
  • Digital
  • 3D sculpting
  • Simulation
  • Kitbashing
  • Nurbs
  • and curve Modeling
  • Modular
  • Modeling

Applications of 3D Software

  • Designing
  • Marketing
  • VR and
  • AR
  • Architectural
  • Visual Effects
  • 3D
  • Printing
  • Video
  • Games
  • Movies/Motion
  • Picture
  •  Animation
  • Mobile
  • Applications
  • Industrial
  • Management
  • Medical
  • Engineering
  • Sports
  • Reflection

Free 3D Modeling Software-Your Choices

1 ) Blender 

Generally, keyboard shortcuts are suited so that you will be able to export

your design as a picture. Besides, it allows path tracer for realistic

rendering and also applicable for visual effects, animated movies, and games.

In fact, you will create or transform or sculpt or edit your models

accordingly. Not only that but also suitable to show still characters truly into impressive animations and for beginners to import or export videos in MPEG. Finally, Blender helps you to have a polygon shape consequently.

2 )Tinkercad 

Generally allows rotation of any shape. However, it might be thought of as

easy software to illustrate the 3D design, which also enables the Import of .svg and .stl file formats indeed. Subsequently, it provides many shortcuts for a fast response finally.

Moreover, it also helps truly modification of shapes and objects and is

often done easily. Accordingly, it is the easiest 3d modeling software for

enabling align objects simultaneously. Furthermore Tinkercad designs are often exported in .stl, .vrml, .x3d, and .obj. also, for instance. Finally, the best in brief.

3.  Fusion 360 Suitable and suitable for college students but also provides a sketching tool. Usually easy for the manufacturing process. Also, it is Cloud-based 3D design software and creates a prototype for validating design finally. Moreover, it’s a unified environment and permits one to form high-quality and products.

4. SolidWorks 

SolidWorks reduces time and Creates 3D images accordingly and

Free 3d CAD software for Microsoft Windows. Also, it saves used parts and templates for simple access. Indeed designing and reuse, and automating products are feasible. Thus it provides an analysis tool to verify the merchandise performance simultaneously. However, of course, better tool finally and reliable also.

5. Pixologic 

Pixologic provides Tessellation and easy to use and, of course, with no

experience. So anybody can. Moreover, UV (Ultraviolet light) Creation happens automatically. And optimization of the comb may be done accordingly. However, this 3D software provides preloaded materials to style objects quickly. In addition, this application incorporates a mode and permits you to define an axis.

6. Cinema 4D

 Allows 3D body painting and defines the surface of the model quickly.

Besides also has an extensive range of render options. Therefore control the color

and brightness of the form. Allows tool even to use the command-line interface. In addition, have a library of preset materials and scenes, and objects to begin a 3D project.

It helps to undo the consequences and adjust the feel by color accordingly.

It also discovers new shapes quickly and thus finally provides real-time

analysis of the draft. Besides, ZBrush 2020 offers a simple thanks to set a

model pose in the end and allows the cam view feature to grasp the orientation of the sculpture too.

7. Modo

Fully customized UI and provides toolsets for games. Also, lighting and

shading are often controlled besides in the same way texturing and rendering, and painting facility too. Furthermore, allow numerous plugins for creating 3D content also. It’s a 3D software tool to mix different operations and offers WYSIWYG to seem for faster interaction of design.

8. Rhinoceros 

Annotates object and Supports 3D paintings—also a 3D graphics software and available for Mac and Windows. Therefore easy to create an ellipse, rectangle, spiral and circle, and plenty of shapes, and it enables line bumps and transparency, highlights, and spotlights too.

9. Substance Designer 

Creates surface with patterns and provides a real-time viewpoint. It also

supports lighting for 360 photos and enabling a mix of tools for a hybrid

design. Besides, it also edits any material quickly with a non-linear workflow and therefore suitable for designing tileable patterns and textures.         

10. Daz Studio 

Models are hand-painted with details. Daz Studio offers drag and drops

subsequently. Therefore one will be able to change the countenance of the

model, and it is also suitable for developing male and female sculpture. It

also enables exporting output, for example, in COLLADA and Universal 3D, BVH, and FBX format.

11. PTC Creo 

Provides real-time simulation and thus also quickly expand the deeper

functionality, consequently of every drawing component.

12. Open SCAD

Easy to use GUI and supports shortcuts. Then customizable software and can play sound notification on completing rendering too. It also Import and export of SVG, AMF, and 3MF files, for instance, will be done. However, it also provides CSG (Constructive solid geometry) geometry engine.

13. Vectary 

Supports collaboration and provides high-quality templates simultaneously.

One will drag and drop 3D models. Specifically, without Installation, browsing is possible and enabling attaching comments to your models. It also offers smart shortcuts to hurry up your work and make photorealistic rendering with only one click.


Indeed consists of numerous selection tools. Additionally, set the

orientation automatically. It also offers 3D positioning with pivots. Hence

supported for macOS and Windows. Also moreover, perform stability and thickness


15. BlocksCAD 

Though it enables you to form lessons, the teacher ready to edit your model,

and best for a three-dimensional printer, thus it also helps you to boost math and computing skills finally.

 16. Houdini

First, it provides a grooming tool and forms quick curves. In addition, it

helps to make complex models likewise environments and cityscapes. In the same way, it gives the right type of polygons and subdivision and surface modeling tools.

17. LeoCAD 

First, its open-source 3D software. Next, after then, it enables you to

share and even download them online. Beyond this, the application also includes a library of 10,000 different parts subsequently, and supported platforms are Windows and macOS.

18. 3D Slash

Sharing Social Network and May be accessed from the net. However, there is a choice of objects’ color selection—also, One-click 3D logo and text creation. In addition, models could even be inserted with shapes and shapes, employing a photograph or image. Equally crucial for simple copy-paste, move and resize or adding models

19. Wings 3D

Customizable Interface and supports hotkeys (shortcuts) and looking a smooth preview too. One will also export any image for painting. Besides, it contains an outsized range of selection tools. In addition, it has the power of adding texture to the required model. However supports multi-languages – likewise English, Italian, French, Japanese, German.

20. Mandelbulb 3D

A large amount of 3D patterns within and supports user-friendly UI.

Therefore manage lighting, color, and shadow indeed. Also suitable to draw

three-dimension fractal objects

21. SelfCAD

It supports 3D painting and also suitable for the 3D sketch, and contains

sharing tools too. Therefore best for Safari, Chrome, and Firefox. One will not only share the look on social networks but also suitable for importing,

exporting, converting, and editing from images.

22. Open Cascade 

Though performance is high, it can be accessed from the web, mobile, and PC and capable of B2B workflows automatically. It is also a 3D open-source

application platform. Thus happens available integration of software for ROI (Return on Investment)

23. Dust3D 

Easy to access and provides a simple cloth simulation system. It’s also

helpful for 3D painting and game making. In addition supports

Multilanguage-English, Spanish and Italian. Although no experience requires to form 3D models with this software, useable in glTF (GL Transmission Format) and FBX(FilmBox). It is also Applicable to the varied operating system- for example, Linux, Windows, and macOS.

24. 3DReshaper

3dReshaper.Moreover, 3DReshaper gives photorealistic rendering. Hence it

enables to inspection and measurement of design and advanced customization by an expensive scripting engine. Also applicable for DSM (Digital Surface Models) /DTM (Digital Terrain Model) and for standard design formats -Industry Foundation Classes files, for instance.


Real-time review and ready to customize the features. It also shares your

design with others and supports live chat besides commenting indeed

However, SketchUp is understood as an excellent tool for visualization and

planning. Therefore it is a tidy and beginner-friendly interface. SketchUp is

also powerful for designing visualizations

26. BIMx 

They are supported for Windows,macOS, and iOS.Suitable for 2D building documentation and 3D model simultaneously. With BIMx models created with ArchiCAD through a way more straightforward and intuitive interface. However, BIMx offers desktop and cell phone tools also.

27. Live Home 3D 

Live Home 3D supports macOS, Windows 10, and iOS. Moreover, multi-platform home design software that helps detailed floor plans and 3D renderings. Thus it’s straightforward and quick and precisely creates the layout and furnishes an area or a complete house.

28. MatterControl 

Matter Control doesn’t need any slicer control and is designed especially

for 3D Printing. This can be open-source software and might be downloaded easily. Thus the software is for experiencing a plethora of functionalities. Therefore is available for 3D design helpful for modeling and CAD part easily.

29. FreeCAD 

Open-source 3D modeling software and easy for everybody accordingly. This software contains a large set of design tools and therefore best 3D software for beginners too.

30. 3DBuilder 

It’s excellent for working and has a primitive shape. It’s still a solid

piece of free modeling software for beginners, yet

31. 3D-Crafter 

Free design software with an intuitive CAD program and allows the creation of complex 3D models. Furthermore, it also enables to form of drawings and animation 3D objects.

32. Wings 3D

Free and Easy-to-use and Open-source 3D modeling software for people with no experience. It’s also a customizable software package and provides a built-in Auto UV mapping facility


Multi-platform and easy sharing and embedding. It also has collaboration and versioning facilities. Moreover, cloud-based 3D software runs in a very browser without Installation

34. Seamless 3D 

Tree view interfaces and redo and undo facility. Scripting and Morphing.JPG and PNG texture formats, for example. Moreover, mesh animation single skinned

35. Dust 3D 

UV unwrapping automatically and allows pose and motion editing. Besides,

code is executed in C++ with Qt mostly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) of free 3D Modeling Software

What is 3D Modeling?

Mathematical presentation of a surface/an object in 3 dimensions with a

unique computer tool or program

What is free 3D Modeling Software?

3D modeling software may be a computer graphics program to make models in three-dimensional (3D) space.

Mention the common feature of free 3D modeling software

The standard features of 3D modeling software are:

  • The software contains numerous features to form your design easy
  • You will modify shapes and objects.
  • It enables you to align things.
  • Allows you to rotate any shape

Is 3D Modeling hard to learn?

No, 3D Modeling isn’t hard to find out. You will use either free or paid

software that creates the method of creating three-dimensional sculpture,

characters, and models easily.

What is some free 3D Modeling software

for students?

 Autodesk, Maya, 3Ds Max, Mudbox, Alias, AutoCAD, Inventor

Free 3D software will be used without Installation?

Vectary,,Tinkercad,SculptGL,Fusion 360, SkyCiv Structural Analysis


What is free 3D modeling software for Printing?

Fusion360, Onshape,Tinkercad,Meshmixer,SolidEdge

Some Apps/Free Apps for free 3D Modeling Software

Thingiverse, Qlone, Qubism, AutoCAD360,, 3DDesigner, Prisma3D,

mozaik3D, Pocket World 3D, AR SDK

Which Free 3D software are frequently used popularly

 Maya,Houdini,Cinema 4D,Autodesk, 3Ds Max,ZBrush

Who is The inventor of free 3D Modeling Software

Ivan Sutherland

Which the year 3D modeling started/Invented?