How to Pray the Rosary-A Guideline to the Followers

how to pray the rosary


How to Pray the Rosary – Rosary may be a prayer based on Scripture. And It begins with the Apostles’ Creed, which summarizes the good mysteries of the faith of Catholics. The Our Father introduces every mystery is from the Gospels. The Ave Maria’s primary part is that Angel’s words announce Elizabeth’s greeting and Christ’s birth to Mary. St. Pius V formally added the second part of the Ave Maria


There is debate about the historical origins of the Rosary. Legend has it that St Dominic, the founding Father of the Dominican order, received a vision from Mary, who handed him rosary beads. Still, there are indications that Christians were using rosary beads to wish long before St Dominic was born.

The word rosary comes from Latin, the ‘rosarium’ meaning ‘rose garden.’ In Medieval Latin, it means a ‘garland’ of roses. The rose is symbolic of Mary Mary. Because the Rosary may be a collection of prayers, the Rosary itself is likened to a set of flowers offered to the Blessed Mother, how we’d give roses to our earthly mother.

However, if we go far back, chains of beads themselves are among the oldest of human creations, the oldest example of this being shell beads from Africa dated around 10,000 BC. And beads are used as a kind of formal prayer by many religions. Islamic Rosary is referred to as Misbahe or Tasbih, Buddhists and Hindus Rosary are referred to as the Japa Mala. Eastern Orthodox Christians use a knotted prayer rope called either a komboskini or chotki.


How to Pray the Rosary has two primary meanings

The object comprises a string of beads, a medal, and across; thus, this object’s prayer employs as a guide. You don’t need the thing to wish the Rosary, but the beads will help you keep track of where you’re as you pray. Moreover, the Rosary, maybe a sacred object, the presence of which in your home or pocket is, in a particular sense, an unbroken prayer offer God through Mary.

When we pray Rosary, we start with the cross, say a prayer, then advance to the first bead and say a prayer, then move to the second bead and say a prayer, and continue during this way until all of the beads covered. 

The prayer’s basic configuration is simply about how to pray the Rosary.

The Rosary consists of a cross medal individual beads and consecutive beads for a cross. We pray Apostles’ Creed; for the unique beads. Our Father and for straight dots, the Ave Maria. In any case, if the beads are cover, it’s customary to say some concluding prayers (see below), including petitions, which can understand to correspond to the medal. Otherwise, the award has no corresponding prayers.

 The Rosary into three parts: the introduction, the five decades, and thus the conclusion. The introduction consists of a cross and, therefore, the four beads following it, suggesting the Apostles’ Creed, one Our Father, and three Hail Marys. The five decades each contains one individual bead and ten consecutive beads — that’s of 1 Our Father and ten Hail Marys. The concluding prayers are often any Marian prayer, related prayers, and thus the Rosary prayed petitions.


Each decade dedicates to a selected event within the lifetime of Jesus or Mary Mary. For the requirements of the Rosary, these are called mysteries. The most target is typically on Jesus. But since Mary Mary, because the Mother of Jesus, had (and continues to have) a special relationship with Christ, the Rosary is supposed to help us to contemplate Christ and His love for humanity through His Mother and Our Mother — on whom He has lavished.

The Mysteries about How to Pray the Rosary

The Joyful Mysteries of how to pray the Rosary


  1. The annunciation: The Archangel Gabriel “circulates” to Mary that she will conceive the God Son.
  2. The Visitation: Mary meets her cousin Elizabeth, who is pregnant with John the Baptist.
  3. The Nativity: Jesus is born.
  4. The presentation: Mary and Joseph “present” Jesus within the temple to meet Simeon.
  5. The finding within the temple: After losing Him, Mary and Joseph find young Jesus teaching the Rabbis within the Temple.

Luminous Mysteries how to pray the Rosary

  1. The Baptism within the Jordan: The voice of the daddy tells Jesus.
  2. The Wedding at Cana: Christ creates water into wines, his miracle first time for the public.
  3. The Kingdom’s Proclamation: Jesus says to conversion (cf. Mk 1:15) and forgives the sins of all who approaches.
  4. The transfiguration: The aim of the Godhead shines forth from the face of Christ.
  5. The eucharist Institution: Jesus offers the primary Mass at the Last Supper and his apostles

Sorrowful Mysteries how to pray the Rosary

  1. The Agony within the Garden: Jesus sweats and blood at the time of praying the night.
  2. The scourging to the Pillar: Pilate has Jesus whipped.
  3. The Crowning of Thorns: Roman soldiers wear crown Jesus’ head with thorns.
  4. The carrying Cross: Jesus meets His mother falling three times on the high calvary.
  5. The Crucifixion: Jesus is then nailed to the cross and dies before His mother and His apostle John.

Glorious Mysteries How to Pray the Rosary

  1. The Resurrection: Jesus get rises from death
  2. The Ascension: Jesus leaves the Apostles and bodily “climbs” to heaven.
  3. The Holy Ghost’s Descent: The Apostles receive the Holy Spirit in tongues of fireside within the upper room with Mary.
  4. The Assumption: Mary is taken bodily assumed into heaven by God at the top of her life here on earth.
  1. The Coronation: Mary is Queen with Crown of Heaven and Earth.

The First Method

  1. Firstly, kiss the cross and then make the sign of the cross.
  2. At the cross — say the Apostles’ Creed
  3. So, At the first individual bead — say one Our Father
  4. At each of the three consecutive dots — say one Ave Maria

The First Mystery

  1. Kiss the cross, and make the sign of the cross
  2. At the cross — say the Apostles’ Creed
  3. So, At the first individual bead — say one Our Father
  4. At each of the three consecutive dots — say one Ave Maria

The Second Mystery about How to pray the Rosary

  1. State the Second mystery,
  2. Optional state prayer intention for mystery
  3. Individual bead — say one Our Father
  4. Ten consecutive dots — say one Ave Maria
  5. After the 10th, say glory Be and O My Jesus

The Third Mystery

  1. State the Third mystery
  2. Optional state the prayer intention for mystery
  3. Individual bead — say one Our Father
  4. Ten consecutive dots — say one Ave Maria
  5. After the 10th, say glory Be and O My Jesus

The Fourth Mystery about How to pray the Rosary

  1. State the Fourth mystery
  2. Optional state the prayer intention for mystery
  3. Individual bead — say one Our Father
  4. Each of ten consecutive beads says one Ave Maria
  5. After the 10th, say glory Be and O My Jesus

The Fifth Mystery about How to pray the Rosary

  1. State the Fifth mystery
  2. Optional state the prayer intention for mystery
  3. Individual bead — say one Our Father
  4. Ten consecutive dots — say one Ave Maria
  5. After the 10th, say glory Be and O My Jesus

Lastly, make the sign of the cross and, therefore the kiss the cross on the Rosary.

The Second Method

This method is that equivalent because of the primary one, with one major exception. Here the mysteries aren’t announced before each decade but are inserted into every Ave Maria. Often exhausted the Its following manner: “Hail Mary, crammed with grace, Lord with us. Blessed among women, and blessed is that the fruit of your womb, Jesus. The mystery state. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray us, sinners.

This method’s advantage is that the mystery is stated ten times during the last decade, not only one occasion before it. In this way, it’s easier to concentrate on the key to which the previous decade is devoted, and it’s easier to reflect thereon while praying the last decade. In the second method, every Ave Maria features a mystery inserted within the center, and even the three Hail Mary’s within the introduction.

The mysteries phrased to include them into the Ave Maria. They’re subsequent If, as an example, we are praying the first decade of Joyful Mysteries according to this method, we insert the first mystery within the center of every one of the ten Hail Marys. Once again, this is often done following way: “Hail Mary, crammed with grace. The Lord is with you. You are among women, and blessed is that the fruit of your womb, Jesus, Whom you conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost.

How to pray the rosary-Pray for us sinners, Holy Mary, Mother of God

At last, at the hour of our death. Amen”.Pray the second decade of the Joyful Mysteries according to this method. We insert the second mystery within the center of every one of the ten Hail Marys and every decade prayed likewise.

 The primary Three Mysteries of the introduction correspond to each of the three Hail Marys of the opening, respectively, and not the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries. Thus, three of these introductory mysteries say at the beginning of every three sets of 5 secrets. Some Reflections on the Spirit of Praying Rosary The above is evidence of the Rosary from a technical standpoint. Still, it’s equally important to believe the spirit with which should. We should always confine pray mind that the goal of the Rosary is Christ. Once we pray the Rosary, we approach Christ through Mary — His Mother and our Mother thanks to her particular regard to Him and us. Rosaryit’s beyond the scope of this text to explore all the reasons for devotion to Mary.

The Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God, the daddy almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus, his only Son, our Lord, who conceived to the Holy Ghost, born of Mary Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He was then into hell. Again on the third day, he raised again from the dead and ascended into heaven. And this is seated at the proper hand of God the daddy almighty. From there, then he will come to judge the living. And therefore the dead. Within the Holy Ghost, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.


The Our Father

Our Father in Heaven, hallowed thy name, thy kingdom comes, thy are going to be done on earth because it is in heaven. Today, let us give us our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen

The Hail Holy Queen

We cry to you, and we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping during this tears valley. Turn, then, most merciful advocate and your eyes of mercy toward us. And next after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus. O clement, then O loving finally sweet Virgin Mary.

The Rosary’s repetition is to steer one into restful and contemplative prayer associated with every mystery. The gentle repetition helps to enter into the silence of our hearts, where Christ’s spirit dwells. The Rosary is often privately or with a gaggle.

Final Words about How to pray the Rosary

Well, we are here about how to pray Rosary from the above discussion. Therefore you may collect necessary information for your better help.