10 Social Media Marketing Hacks For Small Business Owners

social media marketing hacks for small business owners

Social Media is a great marketing tool for businesses. Not only is it a cost-efficient way to get in touch with your target market, but it is also a great tool to collect data. Big businesses, like AT&T Internet service providers, use social media to offer better customer support and boost sales. They also collect and analyze valuable consumer data, like consumer watching habits. This collected data can be used to improve service and offers.

For small businesses, social media can be a tool to promote themselves as we as understand and connect with their consumers. Having a strong social media presence is crucial for most B2C businesses. Social Media Marketing allows you to build a brand image easily, which can take years and millions of dollars to accomplish if done traditionally.

Understanding how best to use social media to your advantage is not difficult. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your social media business accounts.

10 Hacks for Small Businesses to Improve their Social Media Status

Most businesses find it necessary to hire social media experts to join their marketing teams. Some go a step further and hire firms, which specialize in social media marketing. While you could go this route, if you want, it is, however, always better to control some aspects of your online presence yourself. You wouldn’t want someone who is not part of your business to handle a disgruntled customer, would you?

To help you take care of your social media accounts, here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. Stay Relevant
  2. Post Engaging Content
  3. Engage Influencers
  4. Monitor Comments Well
  5. Know Your Audience
  6. Plan Your Posts
  7. Share Influencer and Other Content
  8. Be a Part of the Community
  9. Advertise
  10. Use SEO


#1. Stay Relevant

The most common mistake businesses make is that they forget to stay relevant. Making posts generic and old-fashioned is not a good idea. Readers tend to dismiss such posts. Try to post messages and content that is relevant to your audience, your location, or your business.

#2. Post Engaging Content

While staying relevant means readers know that what you have to say is relevant to them, it is also important to post engaging content. Engaging posts are those, which encourage the reader to comment on or share your post.

#3. Engage Influencers

Influencers are those people or businesses that have a strong following. Trying to engage with such profiles allows your readership and following to increase as well. There are a few ways you can engage influencers. You could try engaging them organically, through your posts. Alternatively, you could also hire influencers to promote your business for you.

#4. Monitor Comments Well

Remember, when you start posting relevant and engaging content, you will have to manage the comments as well. If you find that people are using your comments section to promote harmful ideas, it reflects poorly on you. It is your responsibility to deal with them politically, without stirring the pot. You can find pointers on diffusing such situations by searching online.

#5. Know Your Audience

It is important for you to know your audience. There are tools available online that can help you create consumer profiles. Knowing what type of audience you are targeting allows you to create more relevant and engaging posts as well as for deciding the right time to post. Posting when your audience is most likely not on social media is a wasted opportunity.

#6. Plan Your Posts

Planning your posts for every month in advance allows you to take a step back and look at the broader picture. Analyzing the direction your public profile can help you change it according to your marketing goals. Remember to leave open spaces in your plan for posts that are unforeseeable. Like offering support to the victims of a natural disaster. Such posts can go a long way to help build your brand image.

#7. Share Influencer and Other Content

Just because you have social media pages, doesn’t mean that all your posts should be created by and directed towards your business. Your social media pages are not your personal advertising spaces. Sharing posts from other influencers or businesses shows that you are aware of others and support them. If you can, share and engage in posts of your customers, especially if they’re not influencers. This practice goes a long way in creating brand loyalty and image.

#8. Be a Part of the Community

Social media is making the world smaller. Everyone knows everyone else, at least of social media. The right way to market on social media is to consider yourself a part of the community. Be active on social issues, where possible. This will not only increase your following but also help with your image and engagement.

#9. Advertise

Social media advertising can be very effective if done right. When it comes to advertising, hiring a professional is a good idea. They can tell you the most efficient way to manage your advertising goals, strategies, and budgets.

#10. Use SEO

Again, it is usually best to hire professionals to manage your search engine optimizations. A person, or team, depending on your needs, can use SEO to optimize your online presence. Using platforms like your own website, social media pages, SEO can increase online traffic to your business platforms.

In today’s social media-fueled society, having a strong online presence can be the difference between success and failure.