A Unique Scholarship For Health Conscious Students

A Unique Scholarship For Health Conscious Students

The rising costs of post-secondary education have made earning a college degree a more difficult dream to chase for many. Fortunately, as costs rise, the number of scholarships available to students has also grown. These days, it seems like there’s a scholarship out there for just about anyone. There is college money available for accomplishing many different feats ranging from being a Pokemon master to a duck tape fashion designer

There have been scholarships for health-minded students for decades, but there hasn’t been a scholarship surrounding a particular niche of health products until now. There is finally a scholarship available for those who either regularly use CBD oil or those who are proponents of the herbal supplement. The scholarship is called the Eliminate The Stigma Scholarship and it’s offered by an online CBD shop – Green Wellness Life.

About The Eliminate The Stigma Scholarship

The Eliminate The Stigma scholarship is a $1,000 scholarship that is offered on an annual basis. The scholarship was designed by the staff at Green Wellness Life to shed light on the fact that a stigma surrounding CBD still exists despite hemp being legalized in the United States. 

CBD is an incredible compound with amazing stress relief and analgesic properties. Some have even gone as far as to label CBD the wonder oil. Yet, the oil extract isn’t very widely accepted. A quick Google search for CBD news would confirm that consumption of CBD is still a very polarizing subject. Employees have been fired for using CBD, some schools have banned CBD consumption on their grounds, CBD advertisers are severely restricted in the ads they can place on Google and Facebook, and CBD is not allowed to be sold on Amazon or Ebay. 

The hope for the scholarship is that moving and emotional stories and messages from students can be broadcast across the internet to help break down the CBD stigma. Students are asked to submit some form of media item (essay, poem, graphic, animation, video, song, etc.) advocating for CBD. Submissions for the scholarship are due on the 31st of August every year. The scholarship winner is always announced by September 30th. At the very minimum, Green Wellness Life hopes this scholarship will ignite deep and meaningful conversations surrounding CBD. 

How To Apply

Students can apply for the scholarship submitting all requested scholarship materials to the email listed on the Green Wellness Life scholarship page by August 31st. In addition to creating a media submission, students must also submit a scholarship application form (found on the Green Wellness Life site) and provide an official copy of student transcripts.

Any US citizen entering or attending a college, university, or trade school is invited to apply. Applicants are required to maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above to be eligible to receive the scholarship. Green Wellness Life has stated that they will mail the $1,000 check to the recipient’s school by September 30th. 

Only time will tell whether or not the negative stigma surrounding CBD will disappear. For now, the Eliminate The Stigma scholarship stands as a unique advocacy opportunity for students with an admirable cause.