Action Thriller “War” to Feature India’s Two Supestars, Does the Film Resembles Fast’s Hobbs & Shaw?

war movie

Read Ahead to Know “Does Really the War Duo “Hrithik and Tiger” Resembles Fast and Furious’s Hobbs and Shaw”?

War, an India Action Thriller set to feature India’s super dancing and acting Stars, Hrithik and Tiger will surely scorch the screens.

It will be a two in one action-pack which will thrill the audience, and the fans will be intensified to watch their favorite heroes as a duo.

However, the news suggests that the duo will oppose each other, but maybe Tiger and his Guru, Hrithik will get back to each other as we will witness in Fast and Furious: Hobbs and Shaw.

In the upcoming spin-off, Fast and Furious: Hobbs & Shaw, we will witness that the fierce rivals, Hobbs and Deckard Shaw will come together to fight against an old nemesis.

Hence, the fans are now resembling the War’s action duo with Fast’s crazy rivals. 

Maybe, both of the films somehow resembles, but the story of War will be much different from that of Fast’s spin-off featuring Hobbs and Shaw as leads.

Though, the War will surely be an intense piece of action, drama, thrill, and emotions. However, one more thing, as Hrithik and Tiger both are the super dancing stars, surely, there will be a lot of Dancing blast in the upcoming Action Thriller War.

Fast and Furious: Hobbs & Shaw will release on August 2, 2019, whereas, Indian action thriller “War” will release on 2 October 2019.