Arrow Season 8: CW President wants to bring back Emily Bett

Arrow Season 8

Fans know the Oliver Queen’s season 8 is on the way? Yes, I am talking about the Arrow season 8 that is on the way and near to release in 2019.

Here I will talk about Emily Bett’s return in season 8. According to official news, the president of CW, Mark Pedowitz claims, the door is still open for Emily Bett, and she can join us in Arrow Season 8.

In season 7, Emily was playing the role of Felicity Smoak and say goodbye to the cast after the second last episode of the seventh installment. Moreover, the president also said her character could be a guest in our show.

Mark Pedowitz also added during an interview, would love to have Emily back in the show.”

Emily who was introduced by Oliver Queen in Arrow third installment and working as an IT expert working for the Queen and eventually marrying him.

CW renewed the show in April 2018. SO we are expecting it will slat in 2019 -2020. The season eight will all about the ” Crisis of Infinite Earths” that crossover with the Supergirl, The Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow. So there will be more excitement in the upcoming installment.

The expected cast of Arrow season 8 is Rick Ramirez, David Ramsey, Katie Cassidy, Calton Haynes, Echo Kellum, and Juliana Harkavy.

The show will discover the multiverse hanging in the balance. we don’t know when the season 8 premiere, but expectation always here and maybe it will grace the screen in September October