Fascinating Facts About Black Friday History

history of black Friday
Image Source: Shopify

Black Friday generally originated from the USA. Black Friday refers to the one day after Thanksgiving seemingly started in the 1950s in Philadelphia. At first, retailers refuse to accept the name of Black Friday because black day belongs to a loss in the history.

For example,

  • Black Monday on October 19, 1987, reminds the Dow Jones Index to fall 22%.
  • Black Thursday on October 24, 1929, considered as the start of the depression due to a crash of the stock market.
  • Black Friday on September 24, 1869, considered as the crash of Gold market in the USA. Historically this Friday was titled as the Black Friday.

To eliminate the perception of these black days the retailers start a new impression with the start of this black history Friday. Retailers highlighted the loss with red color and the earnings with black color. Many of them may find themselves in red due to some reason. It will boost again in black color due to the season of holiday shopping. To make a more encouraging connection with the Black Friday retailers title the day after Thanksgiving Day the “Black Friday”.

In the early ages during the great depression in 1939, Thanksgiving Day was held on the last week of November. Retailers feel the threat of economic failure due to the short shopping in holidays. They requested the president than to change the Thanksgiving Day to last Thursday of the November.

It was late of October and most people have already settled their plans. Some follow this and some are not. It will force the companies to make two holidays to its employees. With the passage of time, the name Black Friday gain popularity within the different countries in 1966.

In the year 2014, it was properly arranged through the internet. People wait for this day to shop a lot at very reasonable prices. Most of the buyers make half of the purchases on the Black Friday. Some sellers open their shops early and offer customers a promotional sale.

Black Friday is not an official holiday. Some states like California and others considered after Thanksgiving Day as a holiday for local governmental workers. In the year 2005, it became the most demanding and chaotic day in America. All the terms and the days are mentions in ads of American newspaper, magazines. Each year retailers widen their sales promotion on Black Friday for both months of November and December.