Christmas Around The World….How They Celebrate

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Christmas is an event of Christians that is celebrated around the whole World. Different countries celebrate Eve according to their own style and decoration. But one thing is common in all that is the “Jesse Tree”. They have decor it with their own choices of lights and accessories. They cook various sweets and dishes. Make get together parties exchange various gifts with one another.

However, Christmas has different traditions and values in different countries. Every country has its own distinct style of celebrations. Here is a brief description of several countries with the celebration styles of Christmas.

Christmas in The USA

In USA people celebrate Christmas Eve at a very large scale. They make celebrations and Christmas parties on the 25th and 26th of December. Within the country, people exchange sweets and arrange a family gets together. They use to send and receive the cards as an invitation. And most of the people use the word “Merry Xmas” to wish the Christmas to each other.

Christmas in France

In France, the Christians start to celebrate this with the day of St Nicholas on 6th December. Christians in the several places of France celebrate it and décor the Christmas tree. Therefore, on 25th December kids receive many sweets and gifts. They remove and put their shoes in the front of chimney hoping that Father Jesus may fill shoes with sweets.

Christmas in Italy

In Italy, the Christians put up a nativity scene called a “presepe”. It is bound in Italy to make a nativity scene in their homes that predicts the birth of Jesus. Nativity scene is a more common activity in Italy as compared to Jesse Tree. You will find this nativity scene in every Italian home rather than Jesse tree.

Christmas in Germany

On Christmas Eve in Germany, all the markets are décor very pleasingly in several cities. All the homes in Germany are furnished with different colors of lights and ornaments in the start of December. Well, you did not find any Jesse Tree before 24th December.

And everyone is looking busy with making of Christmas Tree on 24th December. So, in that country shop are closed at early hours on 24th December. Therefore, you have to complete your all shopping requirements before the lunch-time.

Christmas in England

In the country, England people also make decorations according to their own style. They create a shining look of their home from the start of December. And they decorate their homes with sparkling demonstration and fairly bright lights. Many home-owners gather some donations from the coming visitors to aid these decorations as some charity.

Christmas in Ice Land

In this country, kids love to put their beautiful stuff shoes in their windowsill. They hope that Santa Claus will fill their shoes with some goodies. In Iceland, the Christmas festivities start from 24th December.

All the friends and family make get together and enjoy many sweets and visit late night mass.

Christmas in Philippine

The Philippines also have their own traditions and festivities related to Christmas celebrations. Light the lanterns commonly known as “parol” is their special tradition on the Christmas Eve like others countries.

The mostly lanterns have the shape of a star as they remembering the star of Bethlehem. Below the pic shows the actual look of the lanterns. In Philippine, there is a great sale on lanterns to grace the Christmas Eve.

Christmas in Singapore

In the beautiful country famous for striking buildings every two persons are Christians out of ten. So, they celebrate the Eve on a very large scale with large fairy lanterns. They like to decor the supermarkets with sparkling lights and the mess of shining decorations with small fairy lights.

Outstanding decoration everywhere makes the country a shining place of dreams. Besides all, Christmas Eve is much commercialized in the country. They brighten everything from the main road to shopping areas or districts.

Christmas in Australia

Australia also has its own distinct tradition to celebrate the Christmas. The Australian people mostly gather around the churches to make Christmas picnics. And they like to sing the most common parol on Eve after collecting on the beach. As the country, Australia is located on the southern side of the world. Therefore, according to the weather condition, it is good to gather at beachside.

Christmas in Brazil

In Brazil, most of the people like to make the nativity scene. They make “presepe” nativity scene in front of churches. And the Christian Father visits Brazil after traveling from Green land. And after reaching Brazil the Father distributes the candies and other sweets among the children of Brazil.

Their main traditions of Christmas are including large bonfire and Christmas tree. If you want to wish someone Merry Christmas then you have to say “Boas Festes” and “Bom Natal” in their words.

Christmas in South Africa

You can’t put South Africa apart from the Christmas celebrations. The people of South Africa have their own special ways to make celebration on Christmas Eve. The family, collectively makes “Braai” equally known as BBQ because there is also weather conditions are hot at Eve.

Well, family and friends like to visit a bunch of Christmas and enjoy. They habitually celebrate their festivities at Eve with traveling from place to place and visit the Christmas mass. They also like to decore the Christmas tree to rock the Christmas celebrations.