Deadly #Earthquake 7.5 Magnitude shakes Indonesia

Earthquake in Indonesia

Indonesia recently experienced a powerful 7.5 magnitude earthquake on Friday. The Indonesian national disaster agency said a large number of buildings have destroyed in the aftershocks of the fearful shakings.

A spokesman for the Indonesian national disaster agency, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho issued a statement. There wasn’t any immediate report regarding deaths or injuries. A number of buildings had collapsed in the tremor.

Indonesia Earthquake

Search and rescue teams are deployed in severely damaged areas, said Nugroho. “We advise people to remain in safe areas and stay away from collapsed buildings”.

Indonesia earthquake images have shown severely damaged places including a shopping mall in the city of Palu. The other images have shown massively damaged buildings and large cracks in hundreds of buildings.

The U.S Geological Survey has indicated that the recent quake hit central Sulawesi Island and its center point was 6-miles (10 kilometers).

The recent quake was the most powerful magnitude as compared to those killed hundreds on the Lombok Island at the beginning of the current year.

The center of Friday Earthquake was 47 miles (78 kilometers) north of Palu (the capital of province Central Sulawesi). The  City of Makassar in the south of Island, including the Islands of Kalimantan and Borneo also felt the quake.

The most powerful quake hit the biggest Muslim majority country in the world on Friday, just before the beginning of evening prayers. Friday is the holiest day of the week with busy mosques.

It was at the head of a number of destructive aftershocks and one of them was a 5.7 magnitude. There are some Indonesia earthquake videos showing massively destructed areas and scattered bodies.

Indonesia tsunami video footage has shown most destructive wave hits the Island of Palu as a result of the powerful quake. A most powerful earthquake initiated the recent tsunami. Muhammad Syaugi, the search and rescue agency head said that they have discovered many dead bodies, but don’t know the exact numbers.