Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3: Release Date and synopsis

Game of Thrones Season 8

In this article, we are going to enlighten you about your favorite show Game of Thrones season 8, episode 3.  So then where you can watch this show and on which date. 

you have viewed the episode 2 and anxiously waiting for episode 3. Thus, the main aim of this article is to provide you preview, and some details of episode 3. Perhaps it satisfies your appetite for the most awaited episode of the season.

This final season has completed two episodes, and the third episode will release this week on 28 April 2019. This show will broadcast on HBO at 9 PM (USA time) every Sunday.

In addition to this, it can view online on HBO GO and HBO Now. For internet users, official websites are providing online streaming. Other online sources are include Sling, Hulu, Direct TV and Roku in the USA.

Episode 3 is the most extended episode of the season8. It consists of almost 82 minutes with the title  The battle of Winterfell. As far as we know Episode 3 looks scary.

A massive war is coming in episode 3, as we can guess from John snow these words   “I am going to light the greatest flame the North has ever observed”.  This episode will be the final stand between the dead and the living.

Therefore, I believe it is true because all our four heroes are at Winterfell except for two Yara Greyjoy, and Cersei’s King’s Landing crew. Hence it proves more than one of them is going to die.

Thus this week episode is going to be tough and will give you a heart attack as dead are coming.  Similarly, Dany says talking about the crypts in episode 3 teaser “the dead are already here.” In short Game of Thrones, fans should prepare yourself for the worst.