How to Choose the Right British Institution for Your Child’s Academic Success in South Africa

Right British Institution

As a parent living in South Africa, providing your child a quality education should be one of your top priorities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the very nature of education was transformed. Instead of attending conventional (in-person) schools, students switched to online schooling systems. 

As the magnitude of the pandemic decreases across South Africa, it’s interesting to note that the transition from online schooling back to conventional schooling isn’t as rapid as it was expected to be. Despite having the option of sending their children back to conventional school, many parents are continuing to opt for online school. 

Why? For starters, online school offers a level of unquestionable safety that cannot be replicated by conventional schools. Students can acquire an education from the safety of their homes. The risk of interacting with unvaccinated and potentially infected students is eliminated. 

Online schooling is also more convenient and flexible for both students and parents. Students can focus on academics and a wide range of non-academic activities, sports, games, and excursions. They can develop their skills and explore their hobbies after school. This balance is affected when children attend conventional school and return home feeling tired, overwhelmed, fatigued, and simply too exhausted to do anything. 

If you’re considering making the switch to a reputable and right british institution for your child in South Africa, use this guide to get started. We’ll help you make the right decision.

1. Academic Growth

a teacher providing non-academic support and guidance to her student

As you start finding the right institute, make sure you double down on academic growth. The institution you end up selecting should hold academic growth in high regard. They should take active measures to help students become creative, critical, thoughtful, and retentive learners. 

Cambridge Home School holds these key aspects in high regard. Each student is taught by an MA/PhD qualified subject specialist teacher in a small group of 8 to 10 pupils. Moreover, students are provided one-on-one attention to help them perform exceptionally well on their tests. 

Students don’t just learn something for the sake of it only to forget it later; they retain it. Cambridge Home School is recognised for its focus on knowledge retention. By helping students absorb and retain knowledge more effectively, the school elevates their performance levels across the board. 

Parents can choose from four different schools depending on their child’s age: Primary Prep/Key Stage 2 (ages 8 to 10), Lower School/Key Stage 3 (ages 11 to 13), Upper School/IGCSEs (ages 14 to 16), and Sixth Form/AS &A Levels (ages 17 to 19). 

2. Focus on Undoing Prejudices

Cambridge Home School is well-known for its commitment to providing a just, fair, equitable, and accessible schooling experience to all. By recruiting staff members and teachers who are equally passionate about racial inclusivity, diversity, and intersectionality, Cambridge Home School ensures that each student has a wholesome online learning experience. 

According to an education specialist at the institution, “We understand that schooling experiences largely vary between students based on the colour of their skin. At Cambridge Home School, we promote empathy, respect, and acceptance. There’s zero tolerance for racism (overt or covert) or racial microaggressions. 

We also protect students from other forms of discrimination, bullying, or peer pressure. We want our students to acquire a quality education without feeling excluded in the least. By taking the right steps, we’re able to protect each student’s safety and mental health as much as possible.”

3. Online Resources

Cambridge Home School strongly believes that students shouldn’t simply be provided excellent teaching. Instead, they must benefit from a vast online library of quality resources as well. The institution’s online library comprises books, manuals, videos, audios, study guides, past papers, presentations, and so much more. Students can meticulously revise after their classes to clear up their concepts and perform exceptionally well in school. 

In June 2021, 86% of Cambridge Home School’s IGCSE students secured A*s and As (9 to 7 grades) in their target subjects. 83% of students achieved two As and a B or higher, as required by top universities. Moreover, all students who applied received offers from some of the leading universities in the UK, the US, and the UAE. With an impressive track record, Cambridge Home School is trusted as one of the best online schools in South Africa. It equips students with the tools, guidance, and support they need to succeed.

4. Skill Building

As stated earlier, Cambridge Home School isn’t solely focused on academic growth. The institution also takes strong measures to promote non-academic growth in every student. Students participate in numerous skill-building activities. 

The institution focuses on a wide range of soft skills, including empathy, respect, teamwork, resilience, patience, honesty, and leadership, among others. As students build these soft skills (among several other skills), they become well-rounded individuals who perform exceptionally well in all facets of life. 

Cambridge Home School’s students enjoy a healthy school-home dynamic. Since their classes are structured online, they’re not forced to waste time and energy shuffling in and out of classrooms. This process can affect even the most energised student. The continual back and forth is also disruptive. 

By keeping students on track, helping them develop a wide range of skills, and providing one-on-one success coaching and pastoral support, Cambridge Home School has committed to making the online schooling process structured and seamless for both students and parents.