How to Get Rid of the Hollow Arrow on Your iPhone

how to get rid of hollow arrow on iphone

How to Get Rid of the Hollow Arrow on Your iPhone? Like most people, you probably don’t even know what the hollow arrow is on your iPhone.

The different arrows on the iPhone status bar are like little eyes watching over you. They provide a sense of awareness and can tell when someone might be following or observing what we do with our phones throughout the day.

The most common is the hollow arrow, which points straight up when we have an active internet connection. The problem is that this arrow can also indicate to others that we have an iPhone, and people might be able to hack into our phones if they know we have one.

However, each arrow has a distinct purpose and significance. Are you looking for a way to remove the hollow arrow from your iPhone? So. this article will assist you in getting rid of the problem with the iPhone’s hollow arrow not disappearing.

What does the arrow Mean on iPhone?

The arrow on your iPhone is called the carrier signal strength indicator. It’s a small icon that appears in the upper-left corner of the screen.

how to get rid of hollow arrow on iphone

When you have an iOS device and notice a status bar icon that resembles a pop-up symbol, it’s because of Location Services. It might indicate that the app is presently using your location, requesting access to it, or has recently done so. It all depends on how the arrow icon appears.

Let’s discuss the various arrow symbols that you see.

Gray Arrow:

Your device is currently connected to your current location. So whether you’re at home or on the go, your location is always accessible.

Purple Arrow:

There’s a purple arrow icon at the upper right corner of your iPhone. If you see an eye-catching purple arrow icon on your iPhone, it could mean that one of the apps has recently used Location Services.

Hollow Arrow:

When an application needs your location, it will show a hollow arrow icon in the upper right corner. This means that condition has been met, and you should allow them access to do what they need without hesitation or unease.

When you go to certain places with your phone, an app will automatically pop up and do something. A hollow arrow symbolizes this because of geofencing – when a person goes into ‘specific’ areas (or enters specific keywords), the program becomes activated for them.

Black Arrow

Tracking technology is becoming more and more advanced. One of the newest pieces, the black arrow on your status bar, will appear when an application uses location services. It means that you’re being tracked! It might help prevent undesirable supervision by giving off a real-time indication, so they know what’s happening with their customer or employee’s device at all times.

Blue Arrow

When you see the blue arrow on your iPhone, it means that one of several things is happening. The most likely reason is that Apple Maps is asking you to use location services from all the apps installed on your device. So it can give you more accurate directions and traffic information while you are driving or walking around town. Another possibility is that an app needs access to GPS sensors like Weather., Cameras & Photos (to add geographical information to photos).

How to Get Rid of Hollow Arrow on iPhone?

Like most iPhone users, you’ve probably noticed the hollow arrow next to some of your app icons. This little arrow indicates that the app is not full-screen and can be moved around on the home screen. While this feature is handy for organizing apps, it can also be annoying if you don’t want to see it. In this article, we’ll show you how to get rid of the hollow arrow on iPhone.

  • On your iPhone, open the Settings app.
  • Swipe down from the top of the screen and choose Settings > Privacy.
  • Click on Location Services.
  • Then, select System Services from the drop-down menu.
  • Swipe down from the top of the screen to the bottom and turn off the Status Bar Icon toggle.

Your changes will take effect immediately, and you should no longer see the hollow arrow next to your app icons.

How Do You Get Rid of the Hollow Arrow on iOS 15?

If you’ve updated your iPhone to iOS 15 and found that the arrow in the upper left-hand corner is now hollow, don’t worry! There’s a way to fix it. This blog post will tell you how to get rid of the hollow arrow on iOS 15. Keep reading for instructions.

  1. On your iOS device, go to the Settings menu.
  2. Click on Privacy. Then, scroll down and tap on Location Services.
  3. Then, select the System Services window.
  4. Finally, turn off the Status Bar Icon toggle.

Why Won’t iPhone Hollow Arrow Go Away?

The arrow on your status bar might be for various reasons. The iPhone is a unique and very useful tool that shows you how your location status has been used or shared with the apps on it. Every arrow signifies something different: an app that wants access to monitor movement, someone tracking their friend’s phone via GPS, for instance, even if they’re not listed in any contacts.

How Do I Turn Location Services Off on iPhone?

Location Services are a great way to keep your information private. The feature will prevent other people from accessing it without permission and spreading malicious gossip about you.

how to get rid of hollow arrow on iphone

However, location services is a hidden feature in your phone that uses GPS, Bluetooth, and mobile mast locations to determine the approximate position you are based on. So, for example, you can now find where services like taxis or coffee shops are located nearby with just one tap.

Follow these steps to turn off Location Services:

  • Open the Settings app and go to privacy
  • Select Location Services from the list.
  • Then, turn off the switch for the Location Services option.

Final Words

So there you have it – a few simple steps to help rid your iPhone of that pesky hollow arrow. Whether you want to keep your location private or simply don’t like how it looks, following these directions will have you well on your way.