How To Prevent Lung Cancer Symptoms And Causes

how to prevent lung cancer

Lung cancer claimed 1.8 million lives worldwide in 2018. Moreover, smoking is by far the most common cause of lung cancer. Also, it is responsible for almost 9 out of 10 cases. Interestingly, if the tobacco-related cases were removed, there would be around 6300 cases in the UK each year. So, only removing smoking isn’t a solution. You need to be careful about other issues. In the following discussion, we will talk about “how to prevent lung cancer.” So stay tuned. visit here

What is lung cancer?

Before discussing how to prevent lung cancer, we want to give you an overview of what lung cancer is.

Typically, lung cancer can start in the windpipe or main airway, or lungs. Precisely, lung cancer can develop if the abnormal cell growth becomes uncontrolled. That abnormal cell growth can be developed in one or both lungs. Those abnormal cell growth will form tumors. However, cancer that starts in the lung is the primary lung cancer. Moreover, cancer that starts in another part of the body and spreads to the lungs is secondary lung cancer.

The size denotes the stage of cancer. Doctors examine the size of the tumor, whether it is in the lymph nodes. Also, doctors need to examine whether it is spread to other parts of the body. Small cancer that starts in the lung is called small cancer. It is the primary stage of lung cancer. On the other hand, advanced cancer implies that it spreads into the surrounding tissue or to another part of the body.

What causes lung cancer?

In the UK, smoking lies behind 8 out of 10 cases of lung cancer. Non-smoker pollution isn’t safe from lung cancer. Some factors like radon gas, air pollution, and chemicals in the workplace can cause lung cancer—moreover, other forms of pollution, especially indoor household pollution like biomass—for example, the use of cow dung in the village and the burning of wood. Moreover, lung cancer seems common in older people and people with previous chest problems or lung diseases such as emphysema.

Which Fruits and Vegetables Help Prevent Lung Cancer?

A new study shows that diet, fruit, and vegetable intake plays a large part in lung cancer. Numerous participants at a well-respected research facility took part in that study. Another published study discovered a specific compound named phytoestrogen. That compound works well to reduce the risk of lung cancer. Note that the person who takes that compound from food instead of supplement is less vulnerable to lung cancer.

However, consuming the highest amount of phytoestrogen can reduce the risk of lung cancer by 40%. Let’s see some foods that will reduce the risk of lung cancer.

1.   Cruciferous Vegetables

These vegetables are a diverse group. Plus, they come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, but they all share many benefits. Cruciferous vegetables belong to the family of plants known as the Brassica sea. That plant is native to Europe and the Mediterranean.

They tend to be high in vitamins A C K and dietary fiber. Due to having those compounds, those vegetables offer the following benefits including-

  • Regulating blood sugar
  • Promote weight loss
  • Improve heart health
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Contain cancer-fighting compounds
  • Improve estrogen balance.

Cruciferous vegetables are arugula, bok choy (Chinese cabbage), broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, collard greens, etc.

2. Papayas, Oranges, Red Bell, Peaches, and Carrots

Those foods are common in our surroundings. Scientists have found beta-cryptoxanthin in those foods, which will help to lower the cancer rate by 25%.

3.  Soy Foods

Researchers found phytoestrogen, omega-3, vitamin– E, Potassium, Folate, Magnesium, and complete protein. Those compounds will help prevent breast cancer, prostate cancer and retard the growth of lung tumors.

4. Sardines, Salmon, Mackerel, and Other foods with Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Consumption of Omega-3 Fatty Acids like DHA EPA and ala will reduce some certain cancers by 50%.

5. Folate rich foods – Spinach, Beans, Kale, etc

Folate works well as a safeguard against tobacco carcinogens. This compound will reduce the risk of lung cancer by 40 percent.

Lung Cancer Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of lung cancer depend on the stage of diagnosis. Scientists discover varieties of symptoms depending on what is being affected. In the later stage, the patient may have difficulty breathing. They may have unexplained pain in the chest. Plus, the cough characteristics may change like you will see blood tinged, sputum or something of that nature.

Nevertheless, if cancer spreads to the brain or something, therefore, the vision may change, the bowel or bladder habits may change, or unexplained weight loss.

Those who have risk factors like smoking more than a pack a day for 30 years, having smoked in the past 15 years.

Lung cancer prevention

So, how to prevent lung cancer. Let’s jump on the following discussion to know more.

1. Smoking

During smoking, your lungs receive various toxic gases. Then, those harmful gases enter your bloodstream. After that, those harmful gases spread to the smoker’s every organ through the bloodstream. Hopefully, you know tobacco leaves are used to make cigarettes. Tobacco leaves contain nicotine and other compounds. Various harmful chemicals will come out after burning those compounds. Among those compounds, over forty compounds have links to cancer disease.


That’s why scientists recognize smokers die on average about 13 to 14 years earlier than those who don’t smoke. Here lung cancer is not only the primary cause but also the influence of heart disease.

Smoking seriously affects your lung’s two main parts, such as alveoli and airways. Toxic chemicals from cigarettes also seriously affect the healthy cell’s DNA.

However, apart from lung cancer, smoking will liable for causing cancer in the following parts, like-

Mouth, blood, throat, stomach, bladder, cervix, kidney, and so on.

2. Obesity

Excess body fat is the trigger of too much insulin and estrogen inflammation. Then, the cells may divide into unusual quantities. Therefore, it will cause cancer.

As the cure, you can take vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein and beans. Also, you need to avoid sugar and related foods. Furthermore, you need to be active physically, so try to maintain continuous vigorous exercise every day.

3. Keep your house radon-free:

Have you ever checked the radon level in your home? Don’t be late, if you live in a high radon area, you need to check the level.

4. Be careful about carcinogens at work

While working in a factory that handles toxic chemicals, you need to be careful. Hopefully, you will find the employer’s precautions. So, follow those, especially wearing the face mask. Also, you can ask a doctor to know about protection.

FAQ: How to prevent lung cancer

1. What is the main cause of lung cancer?

Smoking is the primary cause of lung cancer. Moreover, in the USA, 80% to 90% of lung cancer deaths have a direct link with smoking. Not only cigarettes but also other tobacco products like pipes or cigars also uplift the lung cancer risk. Interestingly, smoke from tobacco consists of over 7000 chemicals.

2. Is lung cancer easily preventable?

According to the National Institutes of Health, 38.5% of the population will suffer from any type of cancer during their lifetime. Among those cancers, lung cancer has a large contribution to the most cancer-related deaths. Don’t worry; lung cancer is preventable.

3. How does lung cancer start?

Uncontrolled, abnormal cell growth in the lung causes lung cancer. Those abnormal cells will form tumors after invading nearby tissues. This type of cancer may grow anywhere in the lungs and affect the respiratory system. Also, cancer cells may affect other parts of the body and lymph nodes.

4. What are the 7 signs of lung cancer?

Some symptoms will indicate you are a lung cancer patient. Among those, we enlist 7 signs in the following.

  • Worst cough and doesn’t cure easily.
  • Blood goes with cough.
  • Worse chest pain with deep coughing, breathing.
  • Weight loss
  • Appetite loss.
  • Unexplained weight loss, weakness, and tiredness.
  • Breath shortness.

5. Who is most at risk of lung cancer?

Lungs are divided into two spongy organs. After inhaling, the oxygen will take and the exhale releases the carbon dioxide. Lung cancer leads the death rates worldwide.

However, the risk of lung cancer is higher in smokers. Also, non-smokers are affected by lung cancer nowadays.

6. Can you survive lung cancer?

NCI found that the lung cancer 5-year survival rate in the USA is 20.5%. That means one out of five lung cancer patients can survive for 5 years or more if he is diagnosed. Markedly, if the cancer is diagnosed and treatment starts earlier, the patient’s outlook will improve.

7. Can you run with lung cancer?

You can be set back physically after being affected by lung cancer. Although your situation is improving, you can’t exercise. Don’t worry; you can slowly start.

Final Thought of How to prevent lung cancer

There are multiple ways of preventing lung cancer. Particularly, avoiding tobacco smoke is one of the major causes. Surprisingly, people can easily reduce lung cancer risk by quitting smoking. But, apart from smoking, there are other factors that also work as triggers of lung cancer. However, in today’s discussion, hopefully, we will let you know how to prevent lung cancer.