How to reduce mistakes while preparing for the SBI PO exam?

preparing for SBI PO exam

The SBI PO exam is a compulsory process for all bank branches. It serves as the main gateway to becoming an employee in the banking industry. This article is here to guide the aspirants who are about to appear for their first time in this test. Follow these simple dos and don’ts while preparing for that exam which will surely help you crack it without any hassles!

So, before you start your preparation, make sure you have already made your mind clear about what kind of job profile you want and what processes are involved in it. Be sure of your choice as it will surely help you in answering those questions. Being a newcomer in the banking sector also takes some time to grow with experience and confidence, so make sure you work hard on your knowledge as there are chances that you might not get enough time to revise the entire syllabus.

The quota system is being adopted by all the banks for recruiting fresh grads. Only those candidates who have secured marks in a prescribed percentage of their respective category will be considered. In case you have not scored good marks in your entrance exam, then you must be mentally prepared to go through the toughest interview.

Some of the common questions that you can expect to hear from your interviewers are:

  • Why did I choose the banking sector?
  • Why do you want a career in this field?
  • Tell something about yourself.
  • What are your interests and hobbies?
  • Tell me something from the history of the banking sector or if anything comes to your mind about Indian banking history.

Here is a list of Dos that you should follow to crack the SBI Po exam:

  • Do refer to previous year’s questions and model papers to practice and score well in the aptitude test. Try solving previous years’ questions in a limited time, so that you can easily manage your time in the actual exam.
  • Practice, Practice, and Practice! Make your notes neat and readable. Use full words instead of abbreviations. Short but neat notes will give you a good hold over the subject and will make your concepts clear and strong. Try giving preference to formulas and tables instead of lengthy explanations. These will surely help you in cracking the exam without any hassles or confusion.
  • Study, Study, and Study! Make a good study schedule. Do it with dedication and stick to it. Don’t feel that you have to prepare too much for the SBI Po exam. It’s not easy! Go through the whole syllabus before the exam so that you can figure out weak areas in your preparation for the SBI Po exam. These are the topics that are not covered in the syllabus, so try to cover these topics with details so that you can complete your test preparations without any confusion on the day of the exam only.
  • Practice, Practice, and Practice again! There is no substitute for practice time for SBI Po exam preparation. Practice will surely make you perfect. You can solve previous years’ questions under your test conditions. Practice, practice, and practice again!
  • Keep calm all the time. Even when you go through tough times, remain calm and relaxed. SBI Po exam will be over soon, so don’t worry much about this exam and that’s all!
  • Give priority to your studies for SBI Po exam preparation. Do share your problems with a friend, but remember that your studies are the priority, so figure out your problems without getting help from anybody else. Refer to online platforms like Oliveboard.

Here is a list of Don’ts that you should follow to crack the SBI Po exam:

  • Don’t give exams for exams’ sake. Doing that is not good for you in the long run and it may harm your performance in the SBI Po exam. Always take tests seriously and practice well to crack the SBI Po exam with flying colours!
  • Keep away from unnecessary discussions with others. These are the people who are not very familiar with banking exams. Some of them might be saying that it’s not necessary to solve the SBI Po exam syllabus and so on. Don’t listen to such talks; your preparation for the SBI Po exam should be done seriously.
  • Don’t go through negative comments and criticism from others, because they are like “wreckers”. They always create confusion and it’s not good for your exam preparations. Study positively and stay focused to crack the SBI Po exam.
  • Don’t delay your preparation for the SBI Po exam, don’t wait for some time because your time is limited. Start preparation right away.
  • Don’t waste your time on unnecessary things like movies, drama (soap operas), etc. They are not good for you; they create a negative impact on your mind and affect your examination preparations. These things will make you forget your purpose of life and goal of life.
  • Don’t miss the deadlines of the SBI Po exam registration process; otherwise, you will lose valid admission in some centers.
  • Don’t leave any chance to achieve success in the SBI Po exam. Study hard to crack the SBI Po exam with excellent scores.
  • Don’t put yourself in harm’s way, don’t ever discuss how others are successful in the SBI PO exam or if you can achieve success in the SBI Po exam.
  • Don’t forget to download the free ebooks of the SBI PO exam, they are very helpful in your preparation for the SBI Po exam.
  • Don’t listen to people who will be demotivating you from preparing for the SBI PO exam. They are the source of useless talks and negative thoughts which are harmful to your success. You must not pay any heed to such negative comments.
  • Don’t give up on the SBI Po exam after seeing several mock exams, don’t lose hope and confidence to crack the SBI Po exam!
  • Never think that you have been a victim in the SBI Po exam. You just have a weak foundation in banking and that is why you are failing in the SBI Po exam. If you want to crack the SBI Po exam with flying colors, then it’s your entire responsibility to fix the foundation of your mind.
  • Never forget the purpose of life after cracking the SBI Po exam, it’s always better to start from the beginning of life and not from the end.
  • Don’t forget to read the free ebooks of the SBI PO exam, they are very helpful in your preparation for the SBI Po exam.
  • Don’t allow your friends to disturb you during the preparation for the SBI Po exam; they can be distracting you towards unwanted places.
  • Don’t do the things which you don’t like; if you like doing these things, then it will create a negative impact on your performance in the SBI Po exam and it will affect your preparation as well. Maybe these things will make you more confident and satisfied, but there is always a risk of harming your performance in the SBI Po exam.