Infrared light therapy for brain health: How does it work?

light therapy for brain health

The diseases related to brain health are in fact more commonplace then we may think. Either suffering from a headache or dizziness can be a relentless foe, as we continue to fail in treating or delaying their progression. But there is one ray of hope: photobiomodulation (PBM). PBM uses red and infrared light for therapeutic benefits by activating cell proliferation and promoting cell survival. The implications of photobiomodulation have been studied in several neurodegenerative disease models, and it has been shown to improve cell survival, decrease apoptosis, alleviate oxidative stress, suppress inflammation, and rescue mitochondrial function. So if you’re looking for a way to help with a variety of diseases of the brain or nervous system, or just want to live a longer and healthier life yourself, red and near-infrared light therapy is your best option! 

Why do you need to take care about brain health? 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), brain health is the state of mind functioning across sensory ability, social-emotional ability, cognitivity, and behavioral mobility, which allow a person to realize their full potential in all aspects. You may not think that you need to be worried about your brain health and that is a kind of problem far off from you, but in fact it is not so infamiliar with everyone of us. The conditions affecting the brain and nervous system in general are characterized by disruptions in brain growth, damage to brain structure, or impaired brain functioning. Some severe diseases include cerebral palsy, epilepsy, cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke, and neurodegenerative disorders, which may not have very effective approaches. However, you may be familiar with such so-called “small ailments” of brain conditions or just try to overcome them with determination for each onset of illness, including headache disorders, migraine, attention-deficit disorder, hyperactivity disorder, and so on. Your brain’s health helps to bring mental clarity, good emotional control, and peripheral mobility. 

How does infrared light therapy work?

To understand how photobiomodulation (PBM) helps with brain health, we need to clarify three key pathways of infrared light therapy. After PBM of red and near-infrared light therapy stimulates mitochondrial activity, there are three signaling cascades after CCO stimulation, which is involved with calcium ions (Ca2+), cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), and reactive oxygen species (ROS), playing an important role in maintenance of neuron activity and brain health. 

The induced Ca2+ influx triggers the anti-apoptosis

The increased extracellular ATP induces Ca2+ influx and increased intracellular Ca2+ can activate Raf/MEK/ERK signaling, in which some identified signaling molecules are suppressed, which can be inducible by pro-inflammatory cytokines and cellular stress, and have a function to activate the pro-inflammatory pathway, such as the relation of P38 and NF-kB, and mediate apoptosis. A fully detailed explanation can be found in this study.


The raising mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP)

In neurodegenerative diseases, neurons usually express the dysfunction of mitochondria, the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), and the depletion of ATP. Infrared light therapy can reverse this adverse progression via the ERK1/2 MAPK, PI3K/Akt, and SIRT1 cascades. These signaling pathways allow the preservation of mitochondrial fusion and a decrease in fission, which is revealed in this review. It may sound too professional to understand for people who lack knowledge in this field. But the concrete result is that total antioxidant capacity increased and mitochondrial preservation was demonstrated after photobiomodulation. 

The modulation of ROS levels

PBM has been found to increase ROS when applied to normal cell lines but decrease them in cells exposed to stress. This huge breakthrough recently opened up a new path for further application of low-level light therapy (LLLT). In this study, researchers were able to conduct an experiment and identify the change in ROS by using 810 nm infrared light therapy. It was found that LLLT reduced the elevated intracellular ROS levels in the stressed neurons induced by three different oxidative agents and increased the ROS levels in normal, unstressed neurons. 

Bestqool’s tips for choosing a red and infrared light therapy device

There’s something special about infrared light therapy that makes it especially beneficial for treating diseases related to the brain and nervous system. Not only is it safe to use, but at-home infrared light therapy devices come in a variety of styles and sizes that are perfect and convenient for off-office treatment. Those advantages make red and near-infrared light therapy at home the perfect option to integrate into our daily routine. Choosing the right red and near-infrared light therapy device is the first step before setting up a basis for health treatment, and Bestqool’s devices take all considerations into account for your optimized light therapy result. 

1) Check the safety standards and double check the following safety issues, including heat level, EMFs emitting, and so on. All Bestqool products are supervised by authoritative bodies, and FDA-registered and CTL-certified assurances ensure the safety of your light therapy. All Bestqool products are free of EMFs and equipped with cooling systems to avoid heat damage to the skin and meet the highest safety standards in the industry. 

2) Double check the key parameters of devices. To choose a red and near-infrared light therapy device that is best for your medical conditions and truly has medical-grade professional performance, you need to pay attention to the two important parameters of devices, i.e. wavelengths and irradiance levels. Bestqool’s products are credited as professional in two ways: Different models target different medical needs and treatment purposes, and the investigation and application of advanced LED technology allow for the optimum light therapy result. For different purposes, such as aesthetic improvement and medical treatment, it usually requires different settings for optimal therapeutic effect. Bestqool provides a wide range of models for different medical needs, and with our advanced LED modeling technology, Bestqool is able to achieve high-level, stable irradiance of specific wavelengths (red light at 660 nm and near-infrared light at 830 nm), reaching as high as over 100 mW/cm^2 of direct output. Due to biphasic response, sufficient irradiance is necessary for triggering therapeutic effect, but too high irradiance may have the opposite effect to cancel the oppositive effect, so Bestqool has long been investigated in this field for designing devices with optimum effects for different medical conditions. Using 10 minutes of Bestqool products is equal to using 20 minutes of others. 

3) Besides the efficacy of using Bestqool devices, all Bestqool products come with a three-year warranty, the longest promise in this market, to facilitate your success with light treatment.