Nuclear Deal Update: Iran and World Powers Welcome US Back on Board

Nuclear deal update: Iran and world powers welcome US back on board

Iran and powerful bodies that had agreed to keep Tehran from developing nuclear weapons said they want to welcome the US to the nuclear deal again. The governing bodies involved include China, European Union, France, Russia, Germany, Iran, and Britain. They stated that the will to commit and preserve the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The countries discussed the changes to process this to allow the return of its full implementation. The discussion was finalized over a virtual meeting.

The meeting will continue next week in Vienna to finalize the 2015 agreement. It will identify the clear sanction liftings and measures to implement the nuclear deal. The statement stated that the group coordinators are to intensify individual contacts at Vienna with the participants of the nuclear deal with the US.

The US signs nuclear deal with Iran, China, and other influential bodies

Abbas Araghchi, the nuclear negotiator of Iran, reportedly stated that no negotiations are pending concerning the US agrremeent. The path is clear now, he quoted.

The US can return to this deal and not breach the law further as the country did before while withdrawing. It had also imposed illegal sanctions on Iran, said Araghchi.

Washington had pulled out from the agreement in 2018 under Donald Trump’s presidentship. However, Joe Biden indicates that the US will rejoin the deal. However, there aren’t any complications.

As per reports, Iran has been violating restrictions of this nuclear deal. The move by Tehran is calculated and puts pressure on countries in China, Russia, Germany, Britain, and France concerning offset crippling sanctions imposed under the Trump government. Iran commands the US to return to obligations set by them for scrapping the sanctions implied.

What is the significance of the deal?

As per reports of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran accumulated high amounts of nuclear material and took time to hone weaponry skills. The deal will stop Iran from developing nuclear bombs, which the country insists it does not want to do. The country has enriched itself with uranium to make bombs, but that is not close to its amount before the agreement.

While Iran is violating several rules of JCPOA, it also started restricting IAEA inspections of nuclear facilities. A deal was worked out at the last moment during a trip to Tehran, and some of the access was preserved.

As per a temporary deal, the country will not share footage of the nuclear facilities with IAEA. But it promises to save all the recordings across the past three months. They will then hand over the footage to the UN atomic watchdog based in Vienna. However, they expect sanction relief in exchange. If not, they have threatened to remove the recording, which narrows the opportunity for a diplomatic breakthrough.