Once Upon A Dead-Pool Trailer # 2 Christmas Superhero Movie


American upcoming Once Upon A Deadpool movie trailer #2 ….. Looks good. Its trailer #2 has been released. In the last of the trailer tribute scene of Avengers 4, there is a man sitting on the bench in a park and he is reading a newspaper. He’s in a hat and trench coat and we only see him from behind.

“Once Upon A Deadpool” movie looks into the camera: “Well, it is an estimate when you make a wish upon a star, dreams really come true”. He stands up, takes off his coat and picks up a movie script that was lying next to him and looks it at: Now it’s time to make to make more dollars for” the camera shots around to expose the screenplay has the title of Deadpool Kills the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The trailer ends when the Deadpool walking in the street, approximately getting smack by cars and cars are turn sharply and off the road as he walks into a Studio with club theme in the background after Deadpool says “Cue the music”. Fade to black. Deadpool will return. Unfortunately!

There are only certain people for specific characters; this seems to be his “calling” as Deadpool. Like Christopher Reeve’s calling was Superman. Disney is keeping him R rated. This is just a test to see if he can be in the MCU that Disney markets under their brand. Disney is keeping him R rated.

Therefore, This is just a test to see if he can be in the MCU that Disney markets under their brand. Besides all Marvel are for kids! Do they make money? Hells yeah, in the world are so many kids ready to spend their pocket money for those PG marvel craps!