One Piece Chapter 942 Delayed: Official Spoilers and New Release Date of Wano Act 2

One Piece Chapter 942

People always feel excited to see the Japanese Manga Series One Piece. Here we will talk about the spoilers of the next chapter 942. Wano Act 2 has delayed here talk about the new release date and official spoilers. First, let’s see what happened in the previous episode 941.

In Chapter 941 Luffy and Hyou eat all Oshiruko that Queen brings for himself. However, at this time messed have created because big mon is at the prison. In One Piece Chapter 941, brook find and tells to Zoro about Yasu’s execution. As all, you know Yasu is the father of Otoko and stand the side of Oden when he was fighting against Orochi. Well, Orochi decided to kill Yasu on Komurasaki’s funeral. We all see that in 941 chapter, everyone is trying to save him as Wano Act 2.
So, fans know about the Shounen jump which is happening this week that celebrates as Golden Week in Japan.

Spoilers of One Piece Chapter 942

One Piece 942 we will see Yasu is speaking his last words. It seems that he will die and it would perfect to usher a revolution against Orochi. After the death of Yasu, Zoro gathers Samurai, Inuarashi, Kinemon, and Ashura for a common cause while Orochi will face a lot of problems.
Another spoiler is that Big Mom will come out from prison and try to eat Oshiruko.

One Piece Chapter 942 Delayed and New date has released

One Piece Chapter 942 is near to release and fans are much excited to catch it. Well, One Piece Chapter 942 will come out on screen on 13th May 2019. Moreover, they will get another break after 13th May. According to official spoilers, oda will be on leave again, and chapter 942 will resume normally on 27th May.