Our Planet Season 2: Renewal Status and Release Date

Our Planet Season 2

Would you like beautiful and captivating docu-series? If you know about Our planet season 1 produced by Attenborough then definitely your answer will be Yes.

Our Planet is one of the most important documentaries of this era. People want to know it’s renewal status for another season. Let’s talk about the Renewal Status and Release date of Our planet Season 2.

It is one of the ambitious documentaries on Netflix. It features the hardships of the animal kingdom, and this show depicts real stories.

David Attenborough is traveling all around the world and capturing the stunning wildlife footage. They visited in the African Jungles, The frozen tundras of the Antarctic, and the Plains of the Savannah.

Netflix tweet also shows that in upcoming years we will see the Our planet season 2.

Netflix Renewal status of our planet season 2

Well, we will not hear the news of our planet’s renewal at least for a few months. Netflix is gathering subscriber viewers so that they can take a decision regarding it. It is one of massive commitment for Netflix to produce our Planet 2 because it takes years for production.

Moreover, Silverback films not only produce Netflix docuseries they also producing BBC and British broadcaster. Its production schedule will be different from any Netflix series or drama. Well all of you, Attenborough documentaries have worth experience.

Here is a tweet in which Duke of Cambridge shares your views about David Attenborough docuseries.

Release Date Of One Planet Season 2

Well everyone wants to know about Our planet season 2 release date which still not confirmed. If Netflix will renew the season 1, then it is expecting that Our planet season 2 will come in 2023. The reason behind the long duration to release new season is that the various number of locations use and animal documentation takes too time. Therefore, the due date of release is 2023.

Here you can see a short clip.