Recovery of the seniors after a stroke: tips and practical recommendations


The risk of stroke and micro stroke increases with each passing year. The incidence rate of old people who have reached the age of 60 is at the level of 1,5-2,4%, among the representatives of the senile age group (75-80 years and older) this figure is higher – 7,3-10,5%. The risks are the same for both men and women. In this article, we will discuss how such a service as personal care at home in Nassau County can help your relative after a stroke to undergo rehabilitation.

Why the recovery period is so important for old people after a stroke


Old people recover from a stroke in several stages. Initial recovery occurs in the first 6 months. In general, the body has 3-4 years, which must be actively used to get the most positive result.


The fact is that brain cells are neuroplastic. They can learn functions that were previously unusual for them. Neurons that are not damaged as a result of a stroke begin to work instead of dead cells. However, certain conditions are needed for this. That’s why old people need to do all the necessary exercises, and follow medical recommendations for rehabilitation and treatment. As a result of a stroke, as a rule, the following is affected:


  • muscle tone;
  • motor functions of the limbs;
  • sensitivity;
  • speech;
  • memory and concentration;
  • work of the pelvic organs.


A very serious problem for old people suffering from the consequences of a stroke is socialization. Just yesterday, a person led an active life, and today the disease has made him helpless, made him completely dependent on others. Such changes are very hard to bear, therefore, sick people need help in finding themselves in a new reality. To do this, he needs to conduct regular rehabilitation classes, first in a hospital, then at home.


Rehabilitation takes place in five areas:


  1. General care procedures: organization of proper nutrition, hygiene measures, and preventive measures to prevent bedsores on the skin.
  2. Work on the restoration of motor functions.
  3. Classes for the restoration of memory functions.
  4. Work on the restoration of speech.
  5. Supportive medical treatment.


Rehabilitation activities are carried out in 4 stages:


  1. In the first stage, forces are aimed at supporting the vital functions of sick people.


  1. In the second stage, patients are taught the simplest self-care skills.


  1. Further, sick people are taught general motor, speech, and intellectual skills. Experts create appropriate conditions to restore the ability to sit, move, and walk independently.


  1. In conclusion, work is carried out to train fine movements of the limbs, and restore professional skills, full speech, and other skills.

Rules for home care for the rapid recovery of old people after a stroke


In the first days after a stroke, you should contact a specialist in physiotherapy exercises to teach you and relatives to carry out the necessary exercises with an old patient at home. In this case, the rehabilitation process will go faster and more efficiently.


Practice proves that the best results in the recovery of the old person after a stroke are obtained by a combination of active treatment with physical activity started as early as possible. If a person survived, then he also has the opportunity for rehabilitation.


Recovery of the old person after a stroke is possible only with the help of relatives or special personnel.


The role of the caregiver in the recovery of an old person after a stroke


Old people during rehabilitation after a stroke need not only moral support but also practical help. The restoration of the ability to move occurs as follows: a relative or caregiver takes the patient’s motionless limb and performs simple movements with it – stretch, unbend or bend, turn, imitate grasping, etc. At home, such movements will not be difficult.


The brain needs time to remember how certain muscles work. Time will pass, and the patient will begin to slowly move the limb, before that he will often have to be corrected and asked to repeat the exercises. The restoration of active movements that the patient can produce independently will mean the end of rehabilitation measures.


Gross motor skills return most quickly. The ability to make precise movements with the brush and fine facial expressions after a stroke will return at the very end of the last recovery period.


The exercises must include verbal and visual components, this is necessary for proper treatment. In the process of classes, you need to describe and show sick old people everything that happens. This contributes to the formation of new neural connections.


Of course, when conducting recovery classes, it is always necessary to realistically assess the capabilities of an old person after a stroke. In this case, a doctor can help you. He will tell you how to act. It is important for relatives to observe one more rule: not to exclude an old patient from the life of the family, not to let him dwell on the disease.


Also, relatives are advised not to take manifestations of anger and aggression on the part of the patient to heart, and to learn not to respond to such emotional outbursts. In this case, you need to try to put yourself in the place of a sick person. Among the consequences of a stroke are emotional disorders. They are facilitated not only by severe organic brain damage, but also by the new social status of an old person: he falls out of his usual environment and loses his job, pleasures, and communication. Not everyone can accept this.



An old person after a stroke needs a lot of support. Without outside help, rehabilitation will not give any results. If you don’t have the knowledge and time to care for a loved one, you should definitely use the services of a caregiver. Galaxy Home Care is a trusted company that will provide you with a responsible medically trained caregiver to help your loved one regain their health. Taking into account the prescriptions of the doctor, the caregiver will monitor the proper nutrition of your relative, as well as provide moral and physical support during the rehabilitation period.