Six Simple Ways to Improve Your Gut Bacteria


The importance of good gut health is non debatable. The reason why it is important is because half of the immune system is under the GI tract. If it is not healthy enough to support digestion, the chances of developing any chronic diseases become higher.

The thing that maintains good gut health is the bacteria that own it. There are almost 40 trillion bacteria in our body, and a majority of them live in the gut.

To ensure they stay healthy and contribute to improving your overall health, here are a few science-based factors for your diet that you can consider.

1. Include a Diverse Range Of Foods

Studies have found that there are hundreds of bacteria species that live in your intestines. Every bacteria plays a crucial role in maintaining good health inside your gut. When these bacteria do their best to ensure you live well, they want, in return, the nutrients that promote their growth in your body.

To put it simply, the more diverse microbiome you will have, the more health benefits you can avail. That is why you should pay attention to a diverse range of food types to lead to diverse types of microbiome.

2.  Consider Fresh Vegetables and Fruits 

Speaking of a rich diet full of diversity, you can consider eating fruits and vegetables to get all the nutrients for healthy microbiome growth. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, which makes it challenging to digest.

However, there are certain bacteria that digest fiber to stimulate their growth. If you are wondering about high in fiber fruits and vegetables, here is a list that you can look at:

  • Green peas
  • Broccoli
  • Chickpeas 
  • Lentils
  • Whole grains
  • Raspberries 
  • Artichokes 

Including these fruits and vegetables in your diet will not only have health benefits but also prevent the risk of disease-causing bacteria.

3.  Add Prebiotic Food in Diet 

It is scientifically proven that prebiotics are beneficial to improve the growth of bacteria in the gut. Prebiotics are mainly fiber, known as complex carbs that human body cells cannot digest. To make use of them, certain species of bacteria break them down and utilize it as a fuel to grow.

There are many fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that contain prebiotics. In addition to bacteria growth, these prebiotics can also decrease the levels of insulin and cholesterol.

4. Depend On Plant-Based Diet 

The majority of the world depends on 12 plants and five animal species. In a study, it has been found that a diet based on plants contributes to promoting the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. This diet contains higher fiber content that plays a crucial role in intestinal bacteria growth.

People with other health problems like obesity gain benefits from the plant-based diet because of its anti-inflammatory properties, which help in controlling cholesterol levels.

You can also consider plant-based fiber supplements to promote healthy gut bacteria. But before you include any high-fiber supplements, it is recommended to consult with your health specialist or check the benefits review of supplements online.

5. Start Eating Whole Grains 

The gut bacteria love the fiber and non-digestible carbs known as beta-glucan. When you eat high in fiber food or carbs, they don’t get digested in the small intestines and make their way to the large intestines. There, the bacteria get the nutrient and break it for growth.

Eating whole-grain meals makes you feel full-filled, reduces inflammation, and promotes the growth of several types of beneficial bacteria in your gut. This way, you can improve your gut health simply and become physically and mentally able to enjoy life.

It also reduces the risk factor of developing heart disease.

6.  Eat Rich in Polyphenols Foods

Polyphenols are known as plant-based compounds that offer numerous health benefits like reduction in blood pressure, inflammation, and oxidative stress.

With all the health benefits, human cells can’t absorb or digest polyphenols. They are less efficient to absorb, so they make their way to the colon, where the gut bacteria wait to break them.

Here is a list of polyphenols that you can add to your diet.

  • Red wine 
  • Cocoa and dark chocolate 
  • Green tea and almonds
  • Onions
  • Broccoli and blueberries

Including these elements in your diet helps in improving your physical health by preventing heart and chronic diseases.