‘’Teen Mom OG’’: Inside Story Of The Amber Portwood Controversy!

‘’Teen Mom OG’’: Inside Story Of The Amber Portwood Controversy!

Teen Mom OG’

A famous star of MTV “Amber Portwood” is getting arrested for supposed attack on Andrew Glennon who is her boyfriend. This happened on 5th July 2019. The actress attacked Andrew when he was standing aside and holding his son James.

Now the Amber wants to tell the reason behind this to all the people. A host Dr. Drew and Amber recently discussing that incident. One the reason behind this is that the actress was charged with a domestic battery which is committed in the existence of a kid who is under 16 years. Moreover, criminal wildness devoted to a very dangerous weapon.

However, Amber previously said to her lawyer that kindly get out of her from such circumstances. Because she wants to tell her real story to all.

According to the police officer statement at the time of arrest which is highlighting some supposed event. He said Amber take some pills and trying to threaten Andrew for eating the pills. First, she did not pull the deadly weapon toward him.

Reports said that Glennon starts shouting for having some help and then she vomits the pills that she has taken. And after that suddenly Amber attacks Glennon with that deadly weapon. Moreover, roughly collected information declaring that the drugs are not the reason for a family clash. As the situation is getting more complicated than the expectations.