Toy Story 4 Trailer: Is It Focusing on Mental Health Issues?

Toy Story 4 latest

If you’ve watched the Toy Story 4 trailer you can see a couple of new toys are introduced with a thrilling psychological background. It seems like, Josh Cooley is on a mission to talk about the mental health of humans in metaphors of toys. The movie revolves around themes like an identity crisis, behavioral disorders with all its reasons and tragedies.

Gabby, a pretty old doll toy in the shop, seems to be playing the part of a villain. The character adds thrill to the story unlike we watched ever before.


According to Toy Story 4 director, Gabby is part of an antique store for over 60 years and she is quite creepy as well. What makes Gabby a villain is that she does not like it what things go the unwanted way. She is a short-tempered, psychopath kid of a character but what really made her like this?

It appears she has never experienced the love of a child because a broken part in her body does not convince anyone buys her.

Another new character in the Toy Story 4 Trailer, Forky, is an exciting addition to the film, who unlike other toys do not believe him to be a toy instead, a real-life soldier. However, Forky will learn a lot of new stuff about life when the girl with all her toys goes to travel.

So who is Forky?

Forky’s story is so relatable to a lot of us humans as we in our lives also go through identity crisis many times. But don’t complicate psychological issues exist because of some contextual tragedies? Josh Cooley has smartly derived the idea of this character from real mental health issues of the modern human world.

Sporky was basically a disposable spork who Bonnie turned into a toy out of his pleasure. Now, this is disturbing Forky as he was made for a different purpose than being merely a toy to please the kids.

Watch Toy Story 4 Trailer Here

Star Cast:

Christina Hendricks as Gabby Gabby

Keanu Reeves as Duke Caboom

Director: Josh Cooley

Premiere Dates: June 21, 2019.